Are you searching For Dhaka To Narayanganj Train Schedule? Then you are in the right place. We are now providing you Dhaka to Narayanganj Train Schedule with Ticket Price. The train Distance From Dhaka to Narayanganj is about 22 Kilometers. If you want to go From Dhaka to Narayanganj then Train is the best suggestion for you. The Schedule For Dhaka to Narayanganj is made according to Bangladesh Railway.
After following this post, you will get complete information about Dhaka To Narayanganj Train schedule as well as ticket price.
Dhaka To Narayanganj Train
Only one train is available on Dhaka to Narayanganj Train route. The train is Narayanganj Commuter-(1-6). It is all the computer train on this route. The train For Dhaka to Narayanganj is:
- Narayanganj Commuter Train(1-6 No Train)
If you want to Go From Dhaka To Narayanganj then Narayanganj Commuter Trains are only available for you. Narayanganj Commuter train is one of the best trains on this route.
Dhaka To Narayanganj Train Schedule
The schedule for Dhaka to Narayanganj is given below with a complete table. Almost every day the train is available on this route. So let’s check out the full schedule.
Narayanganj To Dhaka Train Schedule
Narayanganj Computer Train
Narayanganj train is the best train in Bangladesh. It is an Intercity train for all train routes in Bangladesh. More than2000 Bangladesh Railway started a train named Narayanganj on Dhaka to Saidpur route. Six days a week, The Narayanganj Computer express is available. The journey of the train has become quite popular with passengers since the beginning. Passenger numbers are increasing day by day. But the number of seats for Narayanganj station is not increased. Instead, the number of places for Saidpur has been reduced compared to earlier. There are allotment seats for Dhaka station. The seats for the passengers are:
- Shovon Seat: 15TK
But Narayanganj is the largest Narayanganj railway factory in the country. Office of the Railway Police Superintendent of Narayanganj. Dhaka, also known as the Northern Gateway, is a business district of the main Upazila.
Must Check
Sylhet To Dhaka Train Schedule
Dhaka to Rajshahi Train Schedule
Dhaka to Narayanganj Train Ticket Price
The total distance from Dhaka to Saidpur is 22 KM. According to the distance, Facilities Bangladesh Railway fixed ticket price for Dhaka to Narayanganj. The Ticket price For Dhaka to Narayanganj and Narayanganj to Dhaka given below:
- Shovon Seat: 22
All train price in Bangladesh is usually dependent on the accessibility of the train. Some of this ticket price can be lower or higher. We apologize for this. If you know the exact price, please comment below.
Ticket Booking
You can buy tickets in a different way of going from Dhaka to Naryanganj. Chose your option which method is best for you to buy the ticket. You can purchase a ticket online or directly go to the station. To collect your ticket before going to Dhaka to Naryanganj then travel.
We desire that your journey is always happy and safe. If any problem to collect your ticket or anything comment below, we will try to solve your problem.