Are you looking for Sylhet to Dhaka Train Schedule With Ticket Price? Then you are in the right place. From this post, you will get explicit instruction about Sylhet to Dhaka Train Schedule as well as Ticket price. You will get info about Stoppage on Sylhet to Dhaka train Route. The total Distance from Sylhet to Dhaka 238KM. To make your journey more comfortable follow this post carefully.
Sylhet to Dhaka Trains
There are 4 trains available all time on Sylhet To Dhaka Route. Almost every day you will get a train to travel from Sylhet to Dhaka Route. The trains are:
- Parabat Express
- Jayantika Express
- Upaban Express
- Kalani Express
If you want to Go From Sylhet To Dhaka, then these four trains are only available for you. These trains make your journey more comfortable and enjoyable.
Sylhet to Dhaka Train Schedule
Schedule for Sylhet To Dhaka is available here. This schedule made according to Bangladesh Railway time table. If you know more update then comment here with the source then We will update here. Only four trains are available on this route. It is not enough for this route. Every day a huge number of passengers travelling on this Sylhet To Dhaka train route. Here is the Sylhet To Dhaka Train schedule:
Parabat Express

Parabat Express Train
The Parabat Express is one of the trains on Sylhet To Dhaka Route. It started it’s the first service on 19th March 1986. Its connect two important cities of Bangladesh Sylhet and Dhaka. Almost every day Parabat Express travelling from Sylhet To Dhaka. The train number of Parabat Express in Sylhet Station is 710. It started his journey from Sylhet Railway station from 15:00(Bangladesh Time) and Reached Dhaka at 21:55. The off day of Parabat Express is Tuesday.
Jayantika Express

Jayantika Express
The Jayantika Express is another popular train in Bangladesh specially Sylhet To Dhaka Route. Almost 6 days its travel from Sylhet to Dhaka route. It started its first service before 2000. The train number of Jayantika Express in Sylhet Station is 718. It started his journey from Sylhet Railway station from 8:40(Bangladesh Time) and Reached Dhaka at 16:00. The Off day of Jayantika Express is Thursday.
Upaban Express

Upaban Express
The Upaban Express is another train on Sylhet To Dhaka route for travelling. It travels every day from Sylhet To Dhaka. The Upaban express started its journey more than 10 years ago. The train number of Jayantika Express in Sylhet Station is 740. It started his journey from Sylhet Railway station from 22:00(Bangladesh Time) and Reached Dhaka at 5:10. There is no off day of Upaban express train.
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Kalni Express

Kalni Express
The Kalni Express is one of the best Train on this route as well as It also famous train on Sylhet to Dhaka Route. The Kalani Express train first started its service on May 13, 2012. Its travel 6 days of a week. The train number of Kalni Express in Sylhet Station is 774. It started his journey from Sylhet Railway station from 7:00(Bangladesh Time) and Reached Dhaka at 13:00. The Off Day of Kalni Express train is Friday.
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Sylhet to Dhaka Train Ticket Price
The total distance from Sylhet to Dhaka is 238KM. According to the distance, Facilities Bangladesh Railway fixed ticket price for Sylhet to Dhaka route. The Ticket price For Sylhet to Dhaka is given below.
- AC Birth Ticket Price 1099 BDT.
- AC Seat Ticket Price 736 BDT.
- 1st Birth Ticket Price 640 BDT.
- Snigdha Ticket Price 610 BDT.
- First Class Chair Ticket Price 425 BDT.
- Shovon Chair Ticket Price 320 BDT.
- Shovon Ticket Price 265 BDT.
- Sulov Ticket Price 160 BDT.
- Computer Ticket Price 135 BDT.
- 2nd Class Mail Ticket Price 110 BDT.
- 2nd Class General Ticket Price 80 BDT.
All train ticket price in Bangladesh is usually dependent on the accessibility of the train. Some of this ticket price can be lower or higher. We apologise for this. If you know the exact price, Then please comment below.
Ticket Booking
You can buy tickets in a different way of going from Sylhet to Dhaka. Chose your option that which method is best for you to buy the ticket. You can purchase a ticket online or directly go to the station. So collect your ticket before going to Dhaka to Saidpur then travel.
We desire that your journey is always happy and safe. If any problem to collect your ticket or anything comment below, we will try to solve your problem.