Are you searching For Dhaka To Rajshahi Train Schedule? Then you are in the right place. We are now providing you Dhaka to Rajshahi Train Schedule with Ticket Price. The train Distance From Dhaka to Rajshahi is about 343 Kilometers. If you want to go From Dhaka to Rajshahi, then Train is the best suggestion for you. The Schedule For Dhaka to Rajshahi is made according to Bangladesh Railway.
After following this post, you will get complete information about Dhaka To Rajshahi Train schedule as well as ticket price.
Dhaka To Rajshahi Trains
They are three trains available on Dhaka to Rajshahi Train route. The trains are Silk City Express, Padma Express, Dumketue Express. All are the intercity train on this route. The trains For Dhaka to Rajshahi are:
- Banalata Express
- Padma Express
- Dumketue Express
- Silk City Express
If you want to Go From Dhaka To Rajshahi, then these trains are only available for you. These trains will help you to reach your destination.
Dhaka To Rajshahi Train Schedule
The schedule for Dhaka to Rajshahi is given below with a complete table. Almost Everyday the trains are available on this route. So let’s check out the full Dhaka to Rajshahi Train Schedule.
Rajshahi To Dhaka Train Schedule
The passengers of Rajshahi get trains almost every day. Rajshahi to Dhaka Train Schedule as well as off days of these trains are given below:
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Banalata Express

Dhaka To Rajshahi Train Schedule
Banalata Expres is a new realized train in Dhaka to Rajshahi and Rajshahi to the Dhaka train route. Rajshahi-Dhaka non-stop train ‘Bonalata Express’ started its journey from April 25th, 2019. According to the Western Railway sources, the name of the first non-stop train on the Rajshahi-Dhaka route has named ‘Banalata Express’ By Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. It travels on this route every day for a week, excluding one day. Banalata Express train leaves Rajshahi station at 07:00 and Reached Dhaka at 18:00. The train Code in Rajshahi Station is 792 and Dhaka 791. The off Day of Banalata Express train in Both stations is Friday.

Banalata Express Train
Banalata Express Train Ticket Price
- Shuvon Chain: 525Tk
- Snigdha: 875TK
Padma Express

Dhaka To Rajshahi Train Schedule image
Padma express train is another intercity train of this route. It travels almost every day except one day. The off Day of Padma Express is Tuesday. Padma express trains left Dhaka station at 23.10 and Reached Rajshahi Station at 4.40. Then It left from Rajshahi at 16:00 and Reached Dhaka at 21:40.
Padma Express Train Ticket Price:
- Shovon Chair: 315Tk
- Snigdha: 525Tk
- AC seat: 630TK
- AC Birth: 940tk
Dhumketu Express

Dhumketu Express train is another intercity train of this route. It travels almost every day except one day. The off Day of Dhumketu Express is Tuesday in Dhaka Station and Friday in Rajshahi station. The Dhumketu Express trains left Dhaka station at 6.00 and Reached Rajshahi Station at 11.40. Then It left Rajshahi at 23:20 and Reached Dhaka at 04:50.
Dhumketu Express Train Ticket Price:
- Shovon Chair: 315Tk
- Snigdha: 525Tk
- AC seat: 630TK
- AC Birth: 940tk
Silk City Express

Rajshahi To Dhaka Train Schedule
Silk City express train is another intercity train of this route. It travels almost every day except one day. The off Day of Silk City Express is Sunday in Dhaka Station and also Sunday in Rajshahi station. Silk City express trains left Dhaka station at 14:40 and Reached Rajshahi Station at 20.45. Then It left from Rajshahi at 07:40 and Reached Dhaka at 13:30.
Silk City express Train Ticket Price:
- Shovon Chair: 340Tk
- Snigdha: 570Tk
- AC seat: 680TK
- AC Birth: 1020tk
Ticket Booking
You can buy tickets in a different way of going from Dhaka to Rajshahi. Chose your option which method is best for you to buy the ticket. You can purchase a ticket online or directly go to the station. To collect your ticket before going to Dhaka to Rajshahi then travel.
We desire that your journey is always happy and safe. If any problem to collect your ticket or anything comment below, we will try to solve your problem.