Independence Day of Bangladesh Paragraph. Are you a student and looking for a Paragraph about Independence Day of Bangladesh for your class or any competitive exam? Then You are the right place. Here you will get Independence Day of Bangladesh Paragraph. For other information check about Full Bangladesh Independence Day History and Celebration of Bangladesh Independence Day.
Independence Day of Bangladesh Paragraph

Every country has some achievements that they can take in pride. Our Independence Day is our national event and achievement. March 26 is our Independence day. On this day we achieved our independence against Pakistan. On March 26, 1971, a country’s name included on the map of the world. Bangladesh’s Independence Day enclosed in this day. I remember the first time in the happy moments of Independence Day, that the country’s self-sacrificing martyrdom of many patriotic martyrs. On this day of 1971, the people of Bengal found the way to liberation for 24 years of desecration of the Pakistani colonial dictatorship. Our freedom of the millions of martyrs in the blood of the sun. There is a background of Independence day of Bangladesh.
On 7th March 1971, Sheikh Mujubur Rahman while addressing a huge crowd in the historic racecourse group declared that the struggle of this time is struggling for freedom. The struggle of this time is struggling for independence. On 26 Major Ziaur Rahman, an officer in the Pakistan army declared the independence of Bangladesh. On behalf of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman from Kalurghat Radio centre. From then, students, farmers, laborers, all and sundry joined the liberation war and after taking guerilla training fought with the Pakistan occupation forces. Thus, after a sea of blood and lots of sacrifices, we achieved our liberation from Pakistan. Today we are proud as an independent and sovereign nation.
Independence Day of Bangladesh Essay
Fress is the birth-right of man. But freedom does not come down on a nation. A nation must rise to achieve it. Bangladesh experienced about 190 long British colonial rule that ended up in 1947. Bangladesh became a province of Pakistan named East Pakistan. However, the deprivation and exploitation of Pakistani rulers created grievances and resentment among the people of East Pakistan. This time they rose for the complete break up with Pakistan and voiced for an Independent nation.

The Most Glorious and the greatest achievement for Bangladesh in the last century has been its birth as an independent nation. Bangladesh won a flag, an identity and occupied a place on the world’s map. Bangladesh became a free and independent nation and stood upright and with dignity and honor among the nations of the world. But Bangladesh had to pay a hefty price for its independence. About 3 million lives have been sacrificed in the war of Independence.
Operation Searchlight
Operation Searchlight was a planned genocide accompanied by the Pakistani army beginning March 25, 1971, through which they tried to suppress the Bengali nationalist demonstration that took place in March 1971 and earlier. This genocide directed by the order of the West Pakistani ruler, which was followed by Operation Blitz in November of 1970. The real purpose of the operation was to capture all significant cities between March 26 and eliminate political and military opponents within a month.

Declaration of Independence
On 7th March 1971, Sheikh Mujubur Rahman while addressing a huge crowd in the historic racecourse groud. He declared that the struggle of this time is struggling for freedom. The struggle of this time is struggling for independence. On 26 Major Ziaur Rahman, an officer in the Pakistan army declared the independence of Bangladesh. On behalf of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman from Kalurghat Radio center. From then, students, farmers, laborers, all and sundry joined the liberation war and after taking guerilla training fought with the Pakistan occupation forces. Colonel M.A.G Osmani made the Chief commander of liberation forces and the country divided into eleven sectors under eleven army officers to conduct the war.