Are you looking for SSC Result 2021 date for all education boards in Bangladesh? Then you are in the right place. From here you will know about the SSC result 2021 date as well as full information about SSC result 2021. The SSC result of 2021 will release within 26-28 December 2021 to all education boards in Bangladesh. The SSC[Secondary School Certificate] Exam started on 14-11-2021 and it continued to 23-11-2021. There was a break in the SSC exam 2021 because of Dhaka City Corporation Election 2021 in Bangladesh.
Before the year of 2014, there was two Board exam in Bangladesh. But now SSC is in the 3rd position of the Board exam. Because now students need to pass two Board exams (PSC & JSC) before SSC. If the result of the SSC will be excellent, then a student will get a chance in a good college for higher education.
SSC Result 2021 Date
- SSC Result 2021 Date: 27 December 2021
Secondary School Certificate(SSC) Result will be published on 27 December 2021(Probable Date). This year more than 17 lakh students participated in the SSC exam 2021. A total of 1788319 students participated in the SSC exam 2021 under ten education boards in Bangladesh. The number of examinees has decreased this year compared to last year. Almost 10k plus students could participate in the SSC exam in 2021 because of many uncertain problems. The previous year’s SSC exam results were not very good. Since the examination question papers were not leaked this year, there is an excellent chance that the result of all the examinations will be good.
SSC Exam 2021
This year, SSC examinations started at 3404 centers of Bangladesh simultaneously. Take a look at the number of different test centers on all the boards of Bangladesh.
- Dhaka Board: 467
- Rajshahi Board: 256
- Comilla: 256
- Jessore: 276
- Chittagong: 190
- Sylhet: 131
- Barisal: 176
- Dinajpur: 267
- Madrasa: 711
- Technical: 674
Total: 3404
On the first day, there were 474637 examinees of the Dhaka Board, and the number of candidates present in the examination was 473241. Rajshahi board were 182861 and the number of candidates present in the exam was 182099
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Dakhil Exam Result 2021
Dakhil exam result will also publish the same day of SSC. This year Dakhil students increased and it is a great achievement for Madrasah board. Some of the students who fill their forms but could not attend the exam because of their lousy circumstances. This year a total of 243664 students appeared in the Dakhil exam. The number center for the Dakhil examinee was 711. Check your Dakhil Result quickly from our site.
Vocational Exam Result 2021
Under the technical education Board(বাংলাদেশ কারিগরি শিক্ষা), more than 1 lakh students participated in vocational exam in 2021. The number of students on the Technical board is increasing day by day. Bangladesh Technical Education Board which is first founded on June 1, 1969. From that, they have been performing their duties with unanimity. The Vocational students can check their results from our website as well as the official website of the Education Board in Bangladesh by selecting technical Education board types. I hope your result will be outstanding in the 2021 Vocational sectors. Check SSC Vocational Result.
SSC Result 2021
Are you searching for the SSC result 2021 mark sheet? Then you can your full marksheet from our site and also These two sites will help you to get your results so quickly with the mark sheet. The examinee can check their result with mark sheet and also check their marks on each subject. Generally, the results with the Markshit are published on the day of publication of the SSC result. So you do not have to wait too much for this. Many boards have their sites. On the day of the results, the candidates will be able to take their results with marks.
Below is a list of websites of all boards.
- Dhaka Education Board:
- Comilla Education Board:
- Rajshahi Education Board:
- Jessore Education Board:
- Chittagong Education Board:
- Barisal Education Board:
- Sylhet Education Board:
- Dinajpur Education Board:
- Mymensingh Education Board:
- Madrasah Education Board:
- Technical Education Board:
I hope all information will help you to know your SSC result 2021 published and also how to get your SSC result so much quicker. Thanks for reading this whole post. We pray to Allah that your result will be excellent.