Welcome to SSC Vocational Result 2020 for Technical board in Bangladesh. SSC Vocational result 2020 will publish on 31st May 2020. SSC Technical, Business Result(BM) result will publish on the same day of Full outcome. Students of SSC Vocational are eagerly waiting for their result. SSC Vocational Students can check their result through the Bangladesh Technical Education Board official website as well as Education BD. SSC, Dakhil and Vocational result will declare by Education Prime Minister Dr. Dipu Moni on May 6, 2020. All the equivalent result of SSC will be announced by Bangladesh Education Board official website www.educationboardresults.gov.bd and eboardresults.com. Both Websites will provide you SSC Vocational Result 2020, BTEB SSC Result 2020, BM SSC Result 2020.
Students can check their Vocational SSC Result 2020 through both Online and SMS way. Keep your eyes Education BD to get your results quickly.
SSC Vocational Result 2020 online here:
Bangladesh Technical Education Board (B TEB) SSC Vocational Result 2020 will be published on 06 May at 1:00 PM.
You can check your result with full marks from here. First Go http://eboardresults.com
- Selection Examination Name as SSC/Dakhil/Equivalent
- Select Exam Year as 2020
- Choose You Examination Board Name as Technical
- Enter the following details here: Roll Number and Registration Number
- Type The Security Key
- Then click on the Get Result button
- Then the Result status will be shown to the concerned candidate
Check Result Online
সবার আগে রেজাল্ট পেতে ফেসবুকে জয়েন করুন: https://web.facebook.com/groups/educationbd2/
সবার আগে রেজাল্ট পেতে Facebook গ্রুপে জয়েন করুন
Group Link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/educationbd2/
SSC Vocational Result 2020 By SMS:
SSC, Dakhil and Vocational exam results 2020 with numbers SSC students have a general question every year, how to see Vocational SSC Result 2020. In this post, I will show you all the easy, and alternative methods to collect the Vocational SSC results in 2020. Please read this post carefully because each student wants to receive their results quickly.
You can get your SSC Vocational result from SMS 2020 by mobile phone. SMS is the fastest and easiest way to see results. SSC results of all mobile operators deliver fast delivery to Bangladesh.
At first Go to your Mobile Write message option. Then type:
SSC <Space>TEC<Space>your roll no<Space>2020
Then send the SMS to 16222
Example: SSC TEC 259667 2020and send to 16222
In the last year, the total success rate was 71.96 under the technical board.
SSC Vocational Result Statistics:
This year the secondary examination list has been evaluated under the Reliable Number Payment Program. The main point of the program was that the person who received the number should get the number. That is, the student is appropriately evaluated in the examination schedule. Before ensuring this standard verification, the principal examiners gave specialized training before the distribution of the accounts. This year, due to the proper evaluation of the results, the results are a little worse, but the quality of education has increased.
Last year the vocational Students was 1,06,239. This year it is increasing. The statistics for SSC Vocational Result Given below:
Total Student –106239
Male Student –52002
Female Student –15651
Institution Number –520
Center Number –120
Pass Student –85000
Pass Rate –85%
GPA 5 Number –15000
SSC Vocational Result Board Challenge process 2020
The SSC Vocational Result Board challenge process 2020 will start after publishing the result. You need some fees for every subject of Rescrutiny. The process will start on 6th May and It will continue to almost one month. The students who are not happy with their result and not satisfy then they apply for Board challenge for their Exam paper. The application process only is done by the Teletalk mobile operator. You need a teletalk SIM to apply Rescrutiny.
SSC Vocational Board History

SSC Vocational Result 2019
In 1954, to control the technical education institutions in Eastern Pakistan, to provide control and certificates, the then Vide Resolution No. 188-Ind. According to the Dated 27-01-54, a board sat up for the “East Pakistan Board of Examination for Technical Education.” The purpose was to manage the technical and vocational education and training organization of the country. As a result, on 7 March 1967 Gazette No.175 L.A. An institution called “East Pakistan Technical Education Board” established under the provisions of the Parliamentary Act No. 1 of the Constitution, which now knows as Bangladesh Technical Education Board.