PSC exam Result 2019 will publish on 31 December 2019. The primary Certificate result of the PSC result will publish the same day. It will publish the overall education board at the same time. To get your result fastest then follow our site. We will provide you with the easiest way to get your psc result in 2019.
Education Minister Dipu Moni will hand over the psc result to prime minister Sheikh Hasina at 10 am on 24 December 2019. More than 50 lakh students participated in the PSC exam in 2019. It is the highest participated students.
Psc exam result 2019
PSC exam result is also known as the primary school certificate(Prathomik Somaponi) result. The Psc exam starts every year in our country and this year’s psc exam started from 18 November and End 26 November 2019. Psc examination held in 7,194 centers.
A total of 32,04,509 students appeared psc exam 2019, and more than 14 lakh students were boys and 15 lakh students were girls. The number of students increased than the previous year. It is perfect for our county.
District wise psc result 2019
After publishing the psc result, We will publish here psc result in district wise and also we will publish PSC exam result 2019 by thana wise in Bangladesh. How to get your psc result quickly follow the below steps.
Ebtedayee Exam 2019
The students who are reading in the madrasah of our country, That student are called Ebtedayee students. Every year the maximum number of students appear Ebtedayee exam of our nation. This year total, 2,99,715 Ebtedayee students seemed to be the Ebtedayee exam and its increasing day by day. the result of Ebtedayee
Psc result 2019 bd
This year more than 32 lakh students appeared psc and Ebtedayee exam 2019. They are eagerly waiting for psc results and Ebtedayee results. According to the author of the education board of primary education, the psc result will publish 31 December 2019 at 12 pm. After releasing the result, Students can see through online and SMS methods and online.
Ebtedayee result 2019 – madrasah board result 2019
The Ebtedayee exam is also for class five examinations. It’s a madrasah sector of study. That’s why its called the Ebtedayee exam. Ebtedayee result 2019 the same as psc result 2019. That is to say, the Ebtedayee exam result will publish 24 December 2019 at 12 pm through online and SMS methods.
Psc result 2019 –
This website will be available for psc and Ebtedayee results in 2019. It is the first and only website for getting psc result 2019. Students and their Guardians easily can see the result through this website You have to remember that some information will need to get a psc result.
Group Link:
Do you need your psc result in 2019 more quickly?
Then our website will give you the fastest your result. Stay with us and comment on your info after publishing results Or Sending us a message on Facebook we will provide you instantly. Primary School Certificate Exam Result 2018 will publish within a few days. This time students and their parents became very worried about the result of their child. For that the date of results they want to get the result quickly, and we are the solution for you.
How to check PSC result 2019?
They are two way of checking psc Result 2019. Firs is online by website and 2nd is the SMS method. You can check your result easily by online & SMS method.
Psc result 2019 by online – –
psc result 2019 will publish through this site or
What will need to do to get the psc result 2019?

- First, Click Here
- Select your General Education Board
- The exam Year 2019
- Divison: Your Division
- Select your district
- Select your thana
- Give your exam roll and click submit.
Psc result 2019 by SMS – Psc result 2019 check SMS
[su_box title=”SMS method For General Students” box_color=”#181515″ radius=”9″]DPE<Space>Thana/Upazila Code<Space>Roll<Space>Year and Send 16222
Ex. DPE 5900 125412 2017 send to 16222[/su_box]
[su_box title=”SMS method For Ebtedayee Students” box_color=”#181515″ radius=”9″]EBT<Space>Thana/Upazila Code<Space>Roll <Space>Year and send to 16222
Ex. EBT 5900 125412 2019 send to 16222[/su_box]
Psc Rescrutiny Result 2019
Psc result or primary school certificate result has some limitations. Because when the teacher justice exam paper, they made some mistake for that Psc exam board gives you the chance to challenge your result. The rescrutiny process will start after publishing the PSC result. Students need some fees to apply for the Rescrutiny process. All primary students can challenge their results through the SMS method. After applying your rescrutiny, you have to wait 1 or 2 months to get your result. So we can call psc rescrutiny result will publish with 2 months after published main results.
Psc result 2019 Dhaka board
Dhaka is the most substantial board in Bangladesh. Almost 60% of students are participating in the psc exam every year in Bangladesh. A lot of students get GPA 5 and Golden A+ From the Dhaka education board. Psc and Ebtedayee Result will also publish by the online and SMS process that you already saw above. The pass rate of psc result in all primary education board Bangladesh including Dhaka board is given below:
- A pass rate of 2018: 83.65%
- The pass rate of 2017: 93.06%
Pass rate dropped in 2017 from 2016. It happens because of questions leaked.
Psc Result Comilla board
Comilla board is another finest education board in psc sectors. Psc result 2019 for the Comilla board will also publish the same day of total primary education board result. You will get your Comilla board psc result using primary education board official site We are to help you with how to get the psc result for Comilla board easily. You can get psc result 2019 by online and SMS way the same system that you saw above.
SMS Format: DPE<Space>Thana Code <Space>Roll and Send to 16222
N.B: If you are a Teletalk user then you can quickly get your psc result.
Psc Result 2019 Rajshahi Board
Rajshahi education board is the 2nd largest education board in Bangladesh. It is the most critical board in Bangladesh. Psc education board of Rajshahi publish psc result every year. A lot of students get GPA 5 and GOLDEN A+ at the PSC exam in 2019. Last year the Rajshahi education board got the highest GPA of 5. You can check your psc result of the Ebtedayee result for Rajshahi board the same system. The same system of getting the PSC result of the Rajshahi board is above. Candidates of PSC can check their results in two ways.
Online System
SMS System
Please Check Above to Get your Result with these two systems. To get your psc result using the SMS system then you need to know thana code. Follow the online system to get your psc result with a full mark sheet.
Dinajpur board Psc Result
The Dinajpur board created an excellent technique for psc result. The students of psc will get the psc result in a modern way. By the current approach, students can get the psc result without any delay. If you are students of the psc exam of the Dinajpur board, then you can get your result quickly by the above method.
PSC Result Chittagong Board
Chittagong board is also an excellent board in Bangladesh. A lot of students also get GPA 5 in the Chittagong board. You can get your result by SMS or online
PSC Result Sylhet board – Sylhet board psc result
A massive number of students appeared psc exam 2019 in the Sylhet board. So they expect better this year 2019. You can get the psc result by online and SMS method. The SMS method is for all education boards. And Website system is also the same as before.
Barisal Board Psc Result
The Barisal board is another education board in Bangladesh. The Psc education board of Barisal will publish the same way psc result. You can also get the psc result for the Barisal board quickly by the above system or through our website EDUCATIONBD.
PSC Scholarship Result 2019
After a few days of publishing psc result 2019, the scholarship result will publish. The Directorate of Primary Education will give PSC scholarship to 82,500 Students. A total of 33,000 students will get Talent pool scholarship and 49,500 students will get a General scholarship.
The Psc education board will give those students a scholarship who will better than others. Those students get the highest mark on psc exam. We can call those students the best.