Welcome to National University Honours Admission 2021. National University is one of the most prominent universities in Bangladesh. It is available for all types of students. Nu officially announced an admission notice for all the students in Bangladesh. Interested candidates can fill up their admission form at the federal university’s official website from November 1st date. The admission of NU will be ending on 15th December 2020.
National University Honours Admission 2020-21
As we know, the national university is one of the largest public universities in Bangladesh. For that, It is available for all types of students. To admit any government college under a national university with the lowest CGPA then students must fill the form of NU admission.
- Online Application Start: 28th July 2021
- Application End: 20th August 2021
- College Authority Admission Final Date: 17th August 2021
National University Honours Admission 2021

NU Honours 1st Year Admission 2021 Requirement

Education Qualification:
Humanities: SSC 2017/2018 and HSC 2019/2020.
- Science/Commerce: SSC 2017/2018 and HSC 2019/2020.
- Humanities: GPA-SSC(Minimum: 2.5), HSC(Minimum: 2.5)
- Science/Commerce: GPA-SSC(Minimum: 3.0), HSC(Minimum: 2.5).
- Only A Candidate admitted in one course(Honours or Pass Course) under National University.
N.B: If a student is admitted to one course and then he/she applied for another course then their admission will cancel.
Nu Honours Admission Mark Distribution
Preparation of merit lists for each college separately for the first year (honours) according to the candidates’ choice courses will allocate.
In the same institution/college, if the merit of two or more applicants in the same course is one, then in these cases, the applicants will have:
- GPA of SSC and HSC exams with the 4th subjects are respectively 40% and 60%
- If required, the total number of SSC and HSC exams is 40% and 60% respectively.
- Even if the merit of two or more applicants is one, then the person who is young should be of the same age, Merit will prepare with priorities.
- In the admission process, the first merit list will complete with the second merit list, individual quota and release slip (if required multiple times) subject to zero seats.
National University Honours Admission Apply Online

All the process of national university admission is online. NU published an online system a few years ago. It’s a significant advantage for the students. To apply for NU admission what will you need to do? We are now providing you with the exact info about honors first-year admission.
- First, go to nu.ac.bd/admission or app1.nu.edu.bd
- Click Apply Honours
- Fill out the form according to information(SSC and HSC).
- Then You can see your information.
- Click on Next
- Select your subjects from the left side list.
- Select Your College
- Submit your photo(300px*300px) and Signature(300px*80px)
- Click on Submit
After Submitting, You will get the pin and roll. Keep it secure and don’t forget this. You will get your all information through this roll and pin.
NU Honours Subject list 2021
The Subject List for National University Honours admission is given below. Here you will get all the information about honours subjects list for Humanities, Science and Commerce.

There are many seats in each of the colleges included in the national university. We will update here after a few days all the reputed college and their seat number of every subject. National University is a huge place. Here, almost all students get the opportunity to study. If someone does not get a chance to admit honours admission, he has a chance to do the degree.
National University Honours Admission Result 2021
The Nu honours admission result will publish 23rd September 2019. Check Result Online:
First Go to http://app1.nu.edu.bd/eng/index.php
Enter Your Roll and Pin and Click On submit to get your Result.
SMS Method: NU<Space> ATHN<Space>Roll and Send to 16222
National Unversity Honours Admission Fees
Form Fill Up fees: 250Tk
Although they all say that the National University takes a lot of money for admission, this is false. Now the National University is bringing down the amount of admission. At the time of completing the form, 300 colleges will be required to pay. After getting a college admission, the admission fee determines according to each department. According to the rules of the National University, no department will be able to pay more fees if needed. Because now all the processes are complete online

National University Honours Admission 2020-21
When applying for admission to the National University, you will need some more things. Which will take you to the time of application? See the list
- Passport size picture(2copy)
- Signature
- Admission Fees
- SSC admit or Registration Card
- HSC Admit or Registration Card etc.
Thanks For Visiting and If you have any question then comment below. We will solve your problem as soon as possible. Even if you have unable to apply online then also comment here or Join our Facebook Group. We will apply for you and after we will send you a pdf file of your document.
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