Are you looking for JDC Result 2019 for Madrasah Board in Bangladesh? Then you are in the right place for getting your Madrasah board JSC result. JDC means Junior Dakhil Certificate. Every year a considerable number of students are taking part in the JDC exam from Madrasah board. This year of 2019, 376734 candidates filled their form to attend JDC exam. 355502 students attended in first day JDC exam 2019. The authority of the Madrasah Board made a press conference and decided that the JDC Result 2019 will publish on 31st December 2019. The educational prime minister Dr Dipu Moni will hand over the JDC result including JSC Result 2019 to our honourable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.
JDC Result 2019 Published Date
When will the JDC Result 2019 publish? Which is the most common and important question for every Madrasah board candidates who attended JDC Exam 2019? Here is the most comfortable answered that we prepared for you. The JDC Result 2019 will be published on 31 December according to the information of the central Education board Dhaka. The last year of 2018 JDC Result published 24 December. Analysis of the Date of previous year JDC Result posted date we can conclude that the first result of madrasah board JSC result publishes within two months or 60 days.
Let’s check out the published date of Previous year JDC Result for Madrasah education board.
- 2018: 24th December
- 2017: 31st December
- 2016: 31st December
So, JDC Result 2019 publish date is 31st December.
Check SSC Result 2020
JDC Result 2019 Online
The online process is the easiest and most used to get public exam result like JSC, JDC, SSC, HSC. So JDC Result 2019 will be available online after publishing. You will get and check your result from our site as well as you will get your subject wise marks. We will be happy that we can help you with getting your JDC exam result. In 2019 355502 examinees were present out of 376734 students. The number of exam centres was 758 for Madrasah education board Bangladesh. According to the report of previous years, the students of Madrasah board are increasing day by day. It raised awareness about Islam all over the Muslims. Here now we are showing you how to get your result online from our website as well as Education board official websites.
Here are two different websites that students can check their result with their roll and registration number.
The first website will provide your Madrasah board JSC result with mark sheet and marks instantly after publishing. 2nd Website will give your result GPA instantly after publishing. So how can you do that for checking your JDC result 2019 online?
Check JSC Exam Result 2019
JDC Result 2019 Website Checking System
First Website Link:

JDC Result 2019 Online
This is the only and one method and best method to check result online with Marksheet and marks. You don’t have to do much to collect your JDC Result online from this website. Just follow our simple steps.
First Step: Click this Link:
Second Step: You will get a page like the above picture we provided.
Third Step: Examination type will be JSC/JDC
Fourth Step: Exam year is important and that will be 2019 for the current year.
Fifth Step: You must be selected Madrasah board from the list.
Sixth Step: Your result type will be individual Result.
Seventh Step: You must provide your exam Roll according to your Admit Card.
Eighth Step: Registration Number that you will get from your Admit or Registration Card.
Ninth Step: You Must Type the text according to the image on the left side. If it is wrong then try again.
Final Step: Click Get Result then the Mark sheet will appear in front of you.
JDC Result 2019 With Marksheet
Second Website Link:

JDC Result 2019 With Marksheet
It is the first Bangladeshi official website which provides student result in more than 15 years. This website has some limitation. When Education Board of Bangladesh publishes any result in time this site provided the only GPA. After that will provide students marksheet not marks in every subject. Follow the steps below to get your JDC Result with marksheet.
- First Go Above website.
- Examination type: JSC/JDC
- Year: 2019
- Board: Madrasah
- Roll
- Registration
- Calculate the sum according to the left image.
- Click On Submit To Get Result
JDC Result by Android Apps
Nowadays in Bangladesh maximum people have Android phone. So it is very easy to get the result from an android phone. So maximum students of class 8 have also an Android phone. According to the students, Information Education board of Bangladesh decided to publish a Result app in play store. Then their continuation they published Android apps in play store. Students can download the Result apps from play store by using their handset. What you need to do for downloading this APK file.
First Go To Playstore
Search BD Results using the search bar.
After that, you will get the apps and click on Install. After completing download it will be available on your phone. and you can check your JDC Result 2019 by the above system that we already provide by Checking Website Result. For your Concern, we again provide you with the details. Open the application and select JSC/JDC from Examination, the year 2019, board Madrasah, Your Roll number and registration number and calculate the SUM and final step click on Submit or Get Result. And then the result will have appeared with mark sheet.
JDC Result 2019 by Mobile SMS
Those students or parents don’t have an android phone or any devices then they have another option to check their children result or their result through their Analogue phone. It is quite easy to check the JDC Result through SMS method in Bangladesh. First Make you sure that your phone has enough balance. Because this method will provide your result without any server error and website overloaded problem. If your phone has 2.5TK or higher then you can check your JDC Result 2019 by mobile SMS. Just follow these simple steps:
First Step: Go to your mobile Message Option and click on write a message.
Second Step: Type JDC<Space>MAD<Space>Roll<Space>2019
Final Step: Send the message to 16222 number
JDC MAD 511511 2019
Send to 16222
After sending SMS the Education board will cut 2.30TK from your Account Balance and they will send you a message with your name and your result information.
JDC Result by Educationbd.Org
Education BD which is our website and that will provide your JDC Result on behalf of you. We have a facebook page and group. That will help you to get your result faster. Students and their parents can check their result from below iframe. When the result will be available online you can check that from here. is always working for you and your student’s life.
Marks wise Result of JDC will available within one our in Education bd. Letter grade result is available anywhere but marks wise result is more important. It is the first public exam for that it will help you to get higher preparation in SSC exam.
What will need to do for getting the result from our website: Use the above systems and fill the gaps by your information.
Check Result Online
Search Again
We hope that this article about JDC Result 2019 was helpful for you. Here We have tired to given all the process about checking result online and offline. We did our best for you and wish you the best of luck for your upcoming result. We pray to Allah that help you to get success in your life.