Welcome to JBC Job Circular 2022 for Jiban Bima Corporation of Bangladesh. The Jiban Bima Corporation published a circular for unemployed people in Bangladesh. The JBC job circular 2022 is now available on our site. JBC publishes circulars for 59 different posts. Job seekers can apply for these posts from our website. If you are sincere in your study and want a Government job, you can build a successful career in the Bangladesh Jiban Bima Corporation. Jiban Bima Corporation of Bangladesh Always Works for people. The authorities are making awareness for all Government sectors in Bangladesh. They spread their services across the country.
JBC Job Circular 2022
The job of JBC was issued on 31st May 2022 It is a Government job and the application deadline is 31st May 2022.
- Published on: 27th April 2022
- Vacancy: 59
- Job Type: Government Job
- Employment Status: Full-time
- Experience: No
- Gender: Both
- Age: 18-30
- Job Location: Anywhere in Bangladesh
- Apply Start: 8th May 2022
- Application Deadline: 31st May 2022
The Jiban Bima Corporation will appoint 59 people for 1 different post. The individual seats are
- Assistant Manager
The Government organization JBC will provide you with a good salary according to the different salary scales.
Check Other Circulars
Jiban Bima Corporation Job Circular 2022
Check the Image below to know about the full information of Jiban Bima Corporation job circular 2022.

Education Qualification: See the above image to get clear instructions about qualifications for Different posts.
JBC job Apply Method
- First Go To http://jbc.teletalk.com.bd/
- Select your Desired Post
- Fill out the full form giving your information
- Upload Your photo(300*300 Pixel) and signature(300*80)
- Then Click Submit
Application Fees: After application, the application fee will be paid through Teletalk SIM. According to the government jobs’ salary scale in Bangladesh, the application fees are defined. You will require 560 TK to pay your fees for this Government organization.
JBC Apply Fees-Payment Method By SMS
How to pay your application fees to Jiban Bima Corporation through the SMS method? We are now giving you an easy solution. Check the below process to complete your payment for this job.
1st SMS: JBC (SPACE) User ID and Send To 16222.
From JBC Reply: Applicant’s Name, TK 560 TK Will be charged as application fee, Your PIN is 12244678. To pay fee Type DSHE Yes PIN and send it to 16222.
From JBC Reply: Applicant’s Name, TK 560 TK Will be charged as the application fee, Your PIN is 12244678. To pay fees Type JBC(SPACE)Yes(SPACE)PIN and send it to 16222.
JBC Reply: Congratulations Applicant’s Name, Payment completed successfully for JBC application for the (Post Name) is(USER ID) and password (Your Application Password).
From the next SMS, the authority will provide you a password. Keep your USER ID and password safe because it will need to admit card before the exam.
The Jiban Bima Corporation authority always provides a good salary for their employee. The compensation will fix according to your post. All the candidates will attend for MCQ or written exam. Usually, The authority of JBC takes the exam within 3 to 6 months. So make yourself perfect to participate in this job exam.
Thanks for being here to get the JBC Job Circular 2022. I hope this circular is helpful to you. If any problem just comments below or join our Facebook Group.