Are you looking for Eksheba gov bd scholarship 2021? Then you are in the right place. The authority of Bangladesh education decided and arrange scholarships for rural students who are helpless or physically handicapped. To get this scholarship you must register on the website. The govt will decide how much you will get from this Eksbehba gov bd scholarship 2021. A huge number of students are now trying to apply eksheba scholarship program 2021. Because of the server down, they are gathering different computer stores all over Bangladesh. From this post, you will get a clear idea of how to apply for scholarship 2021.
Eksheba Gov BD Scholarship 2021
The Eksheba Gov BD Scholarship 2021 is not only for students but also for Teachers and education institutes. So it is a great chance for students and teachers to apply online for their Scholarship program from Eksheba. is now currently working in different sectors in Bangladesh. They provide all types of loans like home loans, students loan etc. For many problems of students because of many circumstances they arranged bd eksheba scholarship 2021. You will get up to 10000 BDT(Not exactly 10K). Let’s check some important dates of Eksheba Scholarship 2021.
- Application Start: February 2021
- Application End: 7th March 2021
- Apply Link:
Eksheba Gov BD Scholarship Amount:
Institutions | Maximum 1 Lakh |
Teachers | Maximum 30K |
Students | Maximum 10K |
Eksheba gov bd registration for Scholarship
Here is the question on How to register for eksheba gov bd scholarship 2021. So check our system to register online:
First Go to:

2nd Step: Provide Your Phone Number and Full Name:
এখন সার্ভার কাজ চলিতেছে। সার্ভার ফ্রি হলে এখানে সব আপডেট পাবেন । যদি আবেদন না করতে পারেন তাহলে ফ্রি আবেদনের ব্যবস্থা করা হবে।

After that you will get a SMS from website. Use the pin to login your dasboard.
Check 42 BCS Question Solution 2021
3rd Step: Provide your NID and birthday according to the ID card and validity of your info. After that you can see the Name with your Father and Mother Name.

4th Step: Then Click on your Students Application form. You will get a form and have to be filled up.

You need following information to complete fill up:
- Your Name(Both Bangla and English)
- Guardian Name
- NID(own, Father and Mother)
- Father Monthly Income
- Graduation Level
- Application Eligibility
Required Documents for Eksheba gov bd scholarship
1.Certificate signed by the head of the institution/head of the department from the educational institution where you are currently studying.
- own ID card/birth registration certificate number.
- Father and mother’s national identity card number
- Email address
- mobile number
Note that this is not an application for a stipend given by the Prime Minister’s Trust at the undergraduate level! Regular students at the undergraduate level 2019-20 session 1st year and other students studying in the degree who have not been able to apply before will be allowed to apply for the stipend in August / September 2021!