Dhaka To Khulna Train Schedule with Ticket Price: Here is the full information for Dhaka to Khulna Train schedule as well as the ticket price for every seat on this route. To make your journey more comfortable, you must know the Train schedule. From this schedule you will get a clear idea about Dhaka to Khulna Train schedule and how much fare you need to journey for this route.
The total Distance from Dhaka to Khulna is 132km. Passengers can go from Dhaka to Khulna or Khulna to Dhaka easily by train. We are now providing the full Dhaka to Khulna train schedule and ticket price.
Dhaka To Khulna Trains
There are two trains available on Dhaka to Khulna Route. Almost Every day the trains are available on this route. The trains are:
- The Sundarban Express
- Chitra Express
If you want to Go From Dhaka to Khulna, then these two trains are only available for you. These trains make your journey more comfortable and enjoyable.
Must Check
Dhaka To Rajshahi Train Schedule
Sylhet To Dhaka Train Schedule
Dhaka To Saidpur Train Schedule
Dhaka To Khulna Train Schedule
Schedule for Dhaka To Khulna is available here. This schedule made according to Bangladesh Railway time table. If you know more update then comment here with the source, then We will update here. Only 2 trains are available on this route. It is not enough for this route. Every day a considerable number of passengers traveling on this Dhaka to Khulna train route. Here is the Dhaka to Khulna Train schedule:
Sundarban Express
The Sundarban Express is an intercity train on Dhaka to Khulna route. The train travels every day on Dhaka to Khula route except one day of a week. The off day of Sundarban express is Wednesday. The Sundarban express train left Dhaka station in the morning at 7.30 AM and reached Khulna 16:10 PM. The train no of Sundarban express is 725 in Khulna station and 726 in Dhaka station.
Chitra Express

The Chitra Express is another intercity train on this route. The train also travels every day on Dhaka to Khulna Route except one day of a week. The off day of Chitra express is Monday. The Chitra express train started the journey every day from Dhaka station at 8.30 PM and Reached Khulna station at 6:20 AM. The train no of Chitra express in Dhaka station is 763 and Khulna station is 764.
Khulna To Dhaka Train Schedule
Many of us also want to know the Khulna to Dhaka train schedule. We are now providing you the train schedule for Khulna to Dhaka and also off day and Departure and arrival time.
Dhaka To Khulna Train Fare
The total distance from Sylhet to Dhaka is 132KM. According to the range, Facilities Bangladesh Railway fixed ticket price for Dhaka to Khulna Route. The Dhaka to Khulna Train fare is given below:
- Shovon: 390 BDT.
- Shovon Chair: 465 BDT.
- Snigdha: 891 BDT.
- 1st Class: 620 BDT.
- 1st Class Birth: 930 BDT.
- AC: 1070 BDT.
- AC Birth: 1599 BDT.
All train ticket price in Bangladesh is usually dependent on the accessibility of the train. Some of this ticket price can be lower or higher. We apologize for this. If you know the exact price, Then please comment below.
Dhaka to Khulna Train Ticket Booking
You can buy tickets in a different way of going from Dhaka to Khulna. Chose your option that which method is best for you to buy the ticket. You can purchase a ticket online or directly go to the station. So collect your ticket before going to Dhaka to Khulna then travel.
Dhaka to Khulna Train ticket Online
To buy ticket Online follow this steps:
- Create an account on this www.esheba.cnsbd.com
- Verify your account through Email.
- Then Login your account with Email and password
- Click On Purchase Ticket.
- Select Station
- Journey Date
- Your Arrival Station
- Select Your Seat
- Click On Show Train(You will get a list of Trains which are available)
- Select Train and Type number of seats
- Then pay your ticket price.