Are you looking for Degree 1st year form fill up 2024 notice? Then you are in the right place. The Degree 1st year form fill up will start from September 2024. Degree 1st year is the first step for students who want to complete graduation from the national university in Bangladesh. This form fills up validates for the regular students’ session 2022-23 and private students of 2023. And also available for the students who failed one or two more subjects for the sessions 2021-22, and 2020-21. Here are the full details about Degree 1st year form fill and how to apply for filling your form online. Students can use the national university website and also our website EducationBD.
Degree 1st Year Form Fill up 2024
The National University of Bangladesh recently published Degree first year form fill notice. This notice is for the students who are regular and also for the students who are not regular students. So I suggest all of the students fill out their forms quickly. The form fill of 1st-year students will start for the session 2022-2023 students. After completing the full form fill systems degree first year routine 2024 will be published within two or three weeks.
All the information about Degree form fill up and routine will available on the NU official site and also our website. The official site for degree form fill is:
জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের সকল তথ্য সবার আগে পেতে ফেসবুক গ্রুপে জয়েন করুন
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Degree 1st year form Fill Up Date 2024
National University Degree first year form fill up will start from 27 September 2024 and will continue until 29 October 2024. This is a long time process of degree form fill up. All the dates of Degree form fills given below:
- Online Apply Start: 27-09-2024
- Application End: 29-10-2024
- The last date for submission of the forms printed by the student to the college: is 30-10-2023
- Data Confirmation Date by College: 31/10/2023- 06/11/2023
- Money Submission Date By college(Sonali Sheba): 07/11/2023- 13/11/2023
Degree Form Fill UP Fees 2024
Form fill up fees of degree is not very high. The national university fixed form fill fees for degree students So that any students can pay it. Earlier this money had to be deposited in the college. Now the college does not have to deposit money. Each section has to pay a certain amount of money online.
Subject | Fees |
1st Year (700 Marks)-Regular/Private | 800/- |
Certificate Course | 300/- |
Improvement Fees | 300+100(Every Subject)/- |
Centers Fees | 450/- |
Check Honours 3rd Year result here
Degree 1st year form fill up notice pdf
Students can download their Degree form fill up a notice in pdf from educationBD. You won’t go anywhere for downloading the pdf file click the link below and download your data and also you can check our website by photos. Form fill up pdf link.

Degree first year form fill up apply online
To fill your Degree 1st year form, you have to use an online application. Now we are showing you the process of fill up your way.
- First Click Here to Go Nu’s official website
- Fill in the empty room with your registration number.
- Then you can see your subjects list.
- Put your phone number and then click On submit.
- Print The Document.
If you can’t do this process then comment on here we will help you as soon as possible.
Below are the details of what a student should do when submitting forms to the college.
When the data entry process is complete, a completed application form will be printed online. The completed form will contain the examination subject code and the fee.
Each student’s recent passport-size photographs will attach to the selected place of the application form.

There are two parts in the application form printed with fees. After signing the principal in both parts of the forms, the above candidates will be stored and the other will be saved by the college.
Degree 1st Year Exam Routine
The Degree 1st year exam routine will publish in a few days after completing the form fill up. Usually, the test begins within one or two months of the method of the analysis. Therefore, before preparing for the test, it must be started. If it is not possible, then the first year students of the exam cannot be right. And The first year’s results will determine the foundation of your life. A good CGPA will come in graduation if the first-year examination results are good.
The exam routine of Degree first year 2023 will be available here. You will download your routine from our website EducationBD. So good luck to all the students.
Degree 1st Year Exam Center list 2024
Shortly after the publication of the degree examination routine, the national university publishes the list of the centers in the examination. The list of degree centers will announce on our website. You will not have to go anywhere to download the center list. Keep eyes on our site to get regular updates. Like our Facebook page and ask any questions.
Degree 1st year Result
According to the rules of the National university, the result of any year under National University is published within three months of finishing the exam. We always try to give users the right information. Stay with us to get a new update on the National University. After publishing the results, we will provide you with your results from our site. If you have problems finding the result, then we will give you the results in the form of pictures.
Thanks For reading this post. Hope you like it. If any questions then comments here.