Are you looking for Barisal University Admission 2020-21 Circular? Barisal University is an outstanding and public university in Bangladesh. It’s one of the reputed universities in Bangladesh. The location of Barisal University in the Barisal Division. The university word is very big for every student. After completing higher secondary education, every student wants to admit any university which is widespread and very large and famous. Barisal University is one of them. If you wanted to admit Barisal University then we will give you full guidelines on how to apply and the admission process, etc. This guideline for those students who completed HSC with Science background. Our website will give you full information about Barisal University All unite admission.
Barisal University Admission 2020-21 Important Date
Online Application Date: 1st September 2020
Application Deadline: 25th September 2020
A unit Exam Date: 27-12-2020(10 AM)
B unit Exam Date: 27-12-2020(3 PM)
C unit Exam Date: 28-112-2020(11 AM)
Barisal University
‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ Unit 1st year graduation (Honours)
Class admission guidelines in the academic year of
2019-20 Four years Bachelor (Honours) course
Barisal University A, B and C Unit Subject List & Number Of Seats Every Subject
The number of seats in different departments under the ‘A’ unit is as follows:
Barisal University A Unit Admission 2020-21
Barisal University C Unit Subject List
- Marketing
- Management Study
- Accounting and Information System
- Finance and Banking

WARNING: The applicant’s portion of the money deposit is not an admission test admission certificate. Examination Admission Letter Alternatives cannot use as part of the cash deposits.
H) It is necessary to verify the details of receipt of deposits and applicant’s photographs are correct. Then, two parts of the receipt of the money deposited by the applicant signed According to the Date. The amount of money mentioned in the receipt (admission test fee, online service fee and the amount of Rs Bank charges) of any of the four state-owned commercial banks (public, gold, agrarian silver)-Going to the branch will submit at the time of the bank. Bank authorities are proof of money depositing
The applicant will refund the part of the application for the receipt of the money deposited.
I) for any unit
Barisal by the bank concerned to submit information to the applicant’s bank
When the university’s online system arrives, green in the ‘payment’ column of its corresponding unit
Color checkmarks can see. If the bank does not deposit the money, download the applicant’s address book
Cannot participate and cannot join in the admission test of the concerned unit. A unit
Candidates will be present in the morning from 10 am to 12.00 pm according to the date.
You can download the Admission Letter till 10.00.
Barisal University admission circular 2020-21 Fees
- Admission test fee
‘A’ unit fee
‘A’ unit Fee 500 / – Online Service Fee 80 / – Bank charges 20 / – Total = 600 / –
Branch Change Fee Branch Change Fee 400 / – Online Service Fee 80 / – Bank charges 20 / – Total = 500 / –
‘B’ Unit Fees
‘C’ Unit Fees
Barisal University admission test 2020
A) The original registration of the SSC / equivalent examination of the candidates downloaded during the admission test Card / The A-level Statement of Entry will bring to the study and audit At the end, it will return. Do not be allowed to participate in admission test without a downloadable entrance, original registration card with photograph or Statement of Entry Q.
B) The admission test will hold in the GE method. Admission test The time will be 1 hour 30 Minutes and 120 The number of answers to the total of 100 questions will be answered. The value of each question is 1.2.
C) Answer papers of the system will provide in the examination. To fulfill the answer sheet of the rural system Candidate must use black ink balloon. Every candidate has only one large answer sheet Will be supplied, no extra sheet will be provided. Therefore, while filling the answer papers, the candidates Are careful that there is no mistake to fill. Carrying all the responsibilities of the wrong error have to do.

D) The admission test questions will be according to the Higher Secondary syllabus. However Questions about Bengali and English topics According to the curriculum of this subject with basic knowledge.
E) 0.3 for each wrong answer Number will be cut and it will be subject-based.
F) The question of four subjects in Bengali, English, Physics and Chemistry in the admission test Answer the course provided have to do. There are also math’s, biology and information and communication technology to answer the questions of any two topics.
The number distribution of the admission test subjects shows below:
G) Pass Number 48 in admission test Those who are less than 48, no one can get admission Will not take into consideration.
H) After getting the answer sheet, fill the circle with the roll number of the answer sheet roll number have to do. If not, the candidate will not be allowed to participate in the examination.
i) The calculator can not use in the examination. In case of examination, the candidate has a mobile phone, Blue or Tooth If any device can be telecommunication, then whether it uses or not The seals will be canceled.
J) Admission of admission test, time and seat arrangement (Seat Plan) in Barisal University on time. Login to the website ( or described in the entry According to the rules, according to the trick.
K) During the admission test, no candidate will be able to cover the face and ears.
Barisal University admission
Methods of creating intellectuals and meditation:
A) Secondary / GPA is calculated in the O-level or equivalent examination (with 4th / additional topics) Calculated by 6, calculated in the Higher Secondary / A-Level or equivalent exam (Including 4th / other topics) multiplied GPA with 10 and added the number of admission tests Based on the total number of 200 marks will make with Medhasco. Percentage of 200 numbers As follows:
- 15% will be counted in GPA from secondary or equivalent examinations
- 25% will calculate from the GPA obtained in the Higher Secondary or equivalent examinations
- 60% will count from the number of admission tests
B) The nomination will be given for final admission subject to minimum qualification based on merit.
C) The following, if the merits are equal Merit, will create in order:
- Scores received in the admission test
- HSC / equivalent examination GPA without 4th Subject
- HSC / equivalent GPA with 4th Subject exam’
- SSC / equivalent examination GPA without 4th Subject
- SSC / equivalent examination GPA with 4th Subject
- The sum of the grade points of the four science subjects in the HSC / equivalent exam.
If it is not possible to evaluate the priority list of applicants by using the mentioned criteria.The authorities will determine the priority list by applying any other logical standards. In this case, The decision of the authorities will be considered final.
Barisal University Admission Result 2019-20
Here you will get Barisal University admission Result 2019 for the regular session of 2019-20. You can download your result from our site. We hope your result will be very best.
D) Within seven days of publication of the application form for admission in the quota for admission
The critical unit will submit to the office. Will be It is to be noted that in the freedom fighters quota, liberation war affairs case Certificates issued by the Ministry, in case of tribal quota, self-made tribal chief / Deputy Commissioner Certificates, players
(Only Bangladesh Sports Authority of Bangladesh, BKSP certified), Harijan and In the case of Dalit people, certificate of Harijan and Dalit community organization/deputy commissioner, Barisal University’s teacher, officer and employee’s caretaker (only child/ husband/wife) The certificate of the authority must submit with the application. It too notes that additional seats are available for admission Allocated for 5% quota.
E) The candidates received by the candidate’s Subject-based numbers, intellectual and intellectuals Barisal University admission Website ( – Login or Login Regular SMS can know through the rules.
F) According to the instruction of students who passed the results after the results published Online Topics of the topic have to do.
Thanks for reading this post and Best of luck for your admission.
Check out Dhaka University C Unit Admission