Primary Assistant Teacher Viva Result 2019: The Authority of Primary Education will publish Primary Assistant teacher VIVA result within 21st To 26th December 2019. After that, the participants can check their primary viva result through online as well as mobile SMS. The primary Viva Exam finished within October and November months in different districts of Bangladesh. The Primary Viva Examination was held different reputed district of Bangladesh. The participants’ primary assistant teacher job is now eagerly waiting for their Primary Viva Result 2019. After publishing the VIVA result, you can collect it from our site. We will provide your result according to your District.
Primary Viva Result 2019
Primary Assistant Teacher Viva Result 2019:This year of 2019 a considerable number of participants appeared in the primary assistant teacher exam. The directory of Primary education completed the MCQ exam process by 4 steps all over Bangladesh. They selected more than 55K candidates for the Viva exam. The candidates who got a considerable number of Marks in Primary assistant Teacher exam 2019 got a chance for primary VIVA.
The VIVA exam was started in October and it continued to November 2019. DPE took this VIVA exam in District wise. The Authority of Primary Education decided to publish Primary Assistant Teacher viva Result within 26 December 2019. The whole primary assistant teacher Job circular published more than one year ago. The candidates of VIVA will be recruited as an assistant teacher for providing teaching primary sectors.
Primary Assistant Teacher Viva Result 2019 Date
The primary VIVA exam started on 15th October and it finished 24th November 2019. The Directory of Primary education will publish results according to the candidate’s districts. Take a nutshell about the Primary assistant teacher VIVA exam date and its results.
- Exam Start: 15th October 2019
- Viva Exam End: 24th November 2019
- Primary Viva Result Publish Date: Within 26 December 2019

Primary Assistant Teacher Viva Result 2019
More than 18000 Candidates will be appointed according to DPE notice. So it is a golden chance for every candidate who participated in Primary Viva in this regular year.
প্রাথমিকের শিক্ষক নিয়োগ পরীক্ষার চূড়ান্ত ফলাফল আজ রাত ১০টার দিকে প্রকাশ করা হবে। এতে মোট ১৮ হাজার ১৪৭ জন জন পাস করেছেন বলে জানা গেছে।। প্রকাশ হলে নিচে থেকে জেলা অনুযায়ী রেজাল্ট ডাউনলোড করতে পারবেন।
সবার আগে রেজাল্ট পেতে গ্রুপে জয়েন করুন:
Primary School Teacher Viva Result 2019 PDF
In 2019 more than 20 lakh candidates appeared primary school teacher MCQ exam. Among them, 55000 candidates selected for the VIVA exam of DPE. From the 55000 candidates, the DPE will recruit only 18000 candidates for primary school teachers as an assistant teacher. The selected candidates will get their dream job. According to the previous salary scale, the primary assistant teacher salary also increased. So it is a tremendous chance for every candidate. We wish you the best of luck for your Primary Assistant teacher viva Result 2019.
If you will get a job then don’t forget to send us Sweets. We will be happy and pray for you.
- First Visit
- Click on Notice or Result option
- Find if Result Published
- Now, Download Primary Viva Result from our Website
Take A Look At Districts wise Primary Assistant Teacher Viva Result 2019.

Primary School Teacher Viva Result 2019 PDF
এখানে ক্লিক করুন:
Download Primary School Teacher Viva Result 2019 PDF
Primary Teacher Viva Voce Result District Wise:
Check Out Districts wise Primary Viva Result 2019. For your comfort, we added district wise primary Assistant teacher viva result 2019. You can download Primary VIVA Result 2019 PDF from our site.
District Wise Result | District Wise Result |
Rajshahi Division
Chittagong Division
Sylhet Division
Khulna Division
Dhaka Division
Rangpur Division
Barisal Division
Download Your Result from Above District List
উপরের লিস্ট থেকে আপনার জেলা অনুযায়ী পিডিএফ ডাউনলোড করুন।
The Authority of Directory of Primary education has two different ways to get the Primary Assistant Teacher VIVA result. The official result website of DPE is You will get your VIVA result from this website by following some simple steps. Follow the steps above to get your results quickly.
Thanks for reading this post about the Primary Assistant Teacher VIVA result 2019. We wish you the best of luck for your result.