Welcome to Primary Assistant Teacher Job Circular 2023 dpe.gov.bd. A primary job is a dream of every single man and woman. The Job of the primary school is called the golden deer. Many of us search google regularly for primary Assistant teacher Job circular 2023. Directorate of Primary Education recently published a job circular for rural people of Bangladesh. It is the great circular ever. The job seeker who wants to better career than the primary assistant teacher is best for him/her.
About 36,000 will be recruited according to this Primary Teacher job circular 2023. This circular is mainly very much helpful for women Because they can apply for this position with a 60% quota. Man and women need to honours degree to apply for this post.
Primary Assistant Teacher Job Circular 2023
Jobs in primary school is one of the most significant tasks in Bangladesh. The Directorate of Primary Education is calling for an application to be the real citizen of Bangladesh for the appointment of assistant teachers. We will give you the right information about the primary assistant teacher’s job and all the details. Positions are significant for every people all over the world.
Check Primary Assistant Teacher Exam result 2019
Directory of Primary education publishes Assistant teacher job circular for almost 36000 citizens in Bangladesh. This primary School assistant job circular issued according to the previous declaration of DPE. Interested applicants in Bangladesh can apply for this post. Anyway, to use for Primary Assistant Teacher Job Circular 2023 by following our naming information.
Position Name | Salary Range | Age | Education Qualification |
Assistant Teacher | Trained:11000-26590 According To National Salary Range 2015 | 18-30 Years | For Male Candidate: Graduation or equivalent degree with minimum second division/class / equivalent GPA from any recognized university. |
Without Training: 10200-25490 According To National Salary Range 2015 | For Freedom Quota 18-32 Years | For Female Candidate: Graduation or equivalent degree with minimum second division / class / equivalent GPA from any recognized university. |
Primary School Job Circular 2023
Primary school is the first step in every student’s life. All the students of Primary are tiny. These small children have many hardships and much hard work to do. And teachers of primary school followed this guru duty. They can only manage them.
Primary Assistant Teacher Job Details
Job Title: Primary Assistant Teacher
Publish Date: 22 March 2023
Application Start: 30th March 2023
Application End: 14th April

Primary Job Application Correction
Here the Authority of Primary published notice for Primary Job Application Correction. When it will available you can Edit your resume by login DPE.TELETALK.COM.BD

Primary School Assistant Teacher Job Circular 2023
Primary School Assistant Teacher job circular 2023 will provide students with an excellent education. We are now giving you the right information about the primary assistant job. We guide you in how you will prepare yourself. Many publishers published suggestions books for the examinee. Many coaching centers arranged a coaching system for the students who want to primary assistant job in 2018. You can collect different types of books from bookstalls. You can also join many coaching centers for preparing yourself. This year Oracle, BCS confidence or many coaching centers arrange primary assistant job coaching programs.
Primary School Teacher Application Form 2023

To apply for the post of primary assistant teacher job you have to fill the form of Directory of primary education board website. How do you use for the position? This now the most common question for every participant. We are currently showing you how to apply for the post and you need not go anywhere to use your post. Follow The Steps by Steps system to apply for this post.
- First Go dpe.teletalk.com.bd
- Click the Application Form.
- Then Fill the full form.
- Follow The Video Tutorial To apply for this post.
Application Method:

Primary School Teacher Job Circular 2023 Download
Primary Assistant job circular published in March 2023. The Directory of Primary education will notify candidates about the exam date and admit card download date. The DPE needs time to finalize the date for job candidates.
Payment System
Candidates need Teletalk sim to complete payment. You need 110TK money recharge to your sim then you can apply for the position. SMS System to apply for the post. You will get a user id when you apply online.
1st SMS:
DPER <Space> User ID and Send To 16222
After Sending the first SMS, you will get a pin to confirm your payment.
2nd SMS:
DPER <SPACE> YES <SPACE> Pin Number(According TO First SMS)
Primary School Teacher Exam Date, Admit Card, Seat Plan & Result
Primary Assistant Teacher job exam date, admit card and seat plan will be available on our website when DPE published all the date. You can download your admit card through our website. The exam date will publish within a few months. You have to prepare yourself to attend the exam.
Admit card will available dpe.teletalk.com.bd website. You can see your seat plan on your admit card. After finishing the exam the result will publish.
Thanks for reading this whole article. If any problem then comments here.
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