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Pohela Falgun Picture

Falgun wind in the south of nature is in the air. Cuckoo’s voice today is the arrival of spring songs. The swollen breezy is also playing the game. Palash and Shimul Mela in the tree on the tree. It’s all about saying the first Falgun is coming. In front of the spring, there will be an exhibition of Bengali Bengali fairs, circus and other Bengali activities. The people of love are in ecstatic colours. Springtime Pitta festival is also compared to winter.

Falgun touches in the village. The bridegroom’s bride will take the turquoise coat in Phalguna today. Take out the yellow shades of the day today. Boro seedlings will start. Farmers could not go to the fields of Magh’s field. On the day of Phagun, they can go on safely. Spring brought Phagun’s dough into the heart of everyone.
Pohela Falgun Image

The last season of the Bengali Calendar year is celebrated as the ‘Pohela Falgun-Basanta Festival’ on the first day of spring. This festival is now widely regarded by the whole Bengali people at the festival of Bangali’s own public life. Like the National Spring Festival celebration council every year, the spring festival is organized. Youth will spring in the daytime.

Although the particular city does not meet in the life of the concrete, it keeps him busy, but the city dwellers. The first day of this Falgun is a festival day near Bangali. The color of the palace color is not in the girls’ sarees; the boys make Punjabi the colors that colored around them. In the song, ‘Ore Bhai, Phagoon has come in the forest forests in the forest. Shahbag, Fine Arts, TSC or Immortal Ekushey Bookstella puts youth in the color of the festival.
Pohela Falgun Photo

The presence of spring in the life of Bengalis is unprecedented from time immemorial. Poetry, songs, dance and painting in the spring is a celebration of spring. In old signs of literature, the spring has been in place of many inspirations, analogy, and antiquity. From Rabindranath Tagore to Rabindranath Tagore, the modern times of Baul Kabir Maneki also repeatedly made the season of the season. That is why Baul Kabir uncovers his mind with flowers in the spring air of the friend’s house.

In the country of the sixties, Basanta tells the nature of the village of Bengal that he is on the rise. The village’s math path, river banks, trees, fields of fertile fields became colorful in spring color. Eyes can be found in these scenarios. But in urban life, the rhythm also made the rhythm in the gentle hollow.

Pohela Falgun Photography

The constant phase of Phagun makes our life a delightful one. A new leaf will be on the tree in the tree this month. When Phagun falls, this Falgun starts, so everyone in the mind of a bird begins to write. At the end of the winter, these Falgun take everyone to another world. It’s a fun thing to visit during this time. If there is no cold, no hot, such a nice time is the month of Falgun. You can go to the places of travel in the capital with your loved ones.

In front of the spring, there will be an exhibition of Bengali Bengali fairs, circus and other Bengali activities. The people of love are in ecstatic colors. Springtime Pitta festival also compares to winter. To make the day more enjoyable, various programs have been adopted by different cultural organizations across the country including the capital.

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