Are you looking for HSC Result 2020 All Education Board Bangladesh? Then You are in the right place. We will inform you the exact date of HSC result publish and how to get your result quickly. The HSC result of 2020 all over Bangladesh will publish 25 August. The equivalent result of HSC will release the same day under 10 education board in Bangladesh.
Almost 13 lakh students wanted to attend HSC exam 2020 under 11 education boards. This year HSC exams started on April 1 and ended 11th May at around 2476 centres. These are a vast number of students that participate in HSC exam 2020. It increased from last year of HSC exam 2018.
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HSC Result 2020 All Education Board Bangladesh
Hsc is one of the most important examinations of student life. The interior life will start after the HSC exam. In 2020 almost 10,93,589 students participated HSC exam with 6,67,481 boys students and 6,43,007 Girls students. It’s bigger than girls students. The number of HSC candidates are increasing day by day. The number of candidates has improved this year compared to last year. Hsc result 2020 will publish 25 December on the Education Board Official website and also our website.
Summary of Number Students Attended HSC Exam 2020:
- Number Of Total Students: 10,93,589
- Boys Students: 6,54,114
- Girls Students: 5,64,514
- Total Institutions: 8,305
- Total Education Boards: 10
After completing two years of higher secondary education Students attend HSC exam to complete their education before graduation. It is an excellent opportunity for students who want to build a better career in his/her life.
When HSC Result 2020 will publish?
In general education systems of Bangladesh, any result before graduation will publish within 60 days after finishing an exam. Since the HSC exam ended on May 2019, So according to the system of education Board in Bangladesh HSC result will publish in December. The exact date of HSC result is 25th December 2020 According to the press conference of Dhaka Education Board. Almost Every student has a dream to admit a reputed university to complete their graduation and study well. HSC result is mainly a fact for every to make a dream career. So I suggest all of you produce your Result best in the higher secondary school certificate exam.
Generally, Hsc result publishes after 1 pm. So the candidates will have to wait till 1 pm to get their whole result. It will release the same time at your college and also education board official websites. Students can use both systems to get their result. After the published result, we will update here. You can check your result from educationbd and main websites of Bangladesh education board.
HSC Result Publish Date 2020
In this year of 2020, HSC result will publish the 25th December.
Here you can get the information about previous years HSC result released to date. A tabled give below with the whole details on Previous years results in a realized time.
HSC Result 2020 online
The most common question for every student after finishing the exam and the published date of the result in Bangladesh education board systems that, how can we check HSC result or any other results? We have a simple solution for you that you can check your result most easy system. So let’s start with your effect checking systems.
HSC result 2020 is the most important exam for every student and the result is also compulsory for every candidate.
How to check HSC Autopass result 2020 by online Method?
Here are two systems that students can check their result online. Education Board has two official websites for their students. Candidates can collect their result by submitting their information to the site. Anyone who doesn’t know about the internet accurately, they can check the result through education board websites or our websites. Here are the two official websites of the Education Board in Bangladesh.
This two website will give your Hsc result entirely. First website board result will provide your result with full mark sheet and also marks after publishing the result. Second website education board results will provide you with the only GPA after issued.
HSC Result 2020
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HSC Result 2020 with Marksheet –
We always want to get the result with full marksheet after publishing the result. This website will give your outcome with full marksheet and marks. Just follow the instruction given below. is the first website that will provide your result on the whole mark sheet. To get your result go this website You can see a page like this. Follow instruction according to the image.

HSC Result 2020 with Marksheet
Summary To Get HSC Result 2019
- Go To
- Select HSC/Alim/Equivalent
- Select 2019 from the board
- Submit Your Board
- Select Individual Result
- Provide your roll
- Give Your Registration to get the result with marks
- Fill The Captcha
- Click Get Result is another website to get any types of results in Bangladesh. It is the first education board website in Bangladesh. Students can get their result after published. First, they will get the only GPA from education board website. After a few hours later, they will get marksheet from education board website. For checking marks, you have to follow previous systems. Okay, let’s check how to check result online with simple systems by the education board official website.
- First Go
- You will see a page like this. Follow the image instructions.
- Select The Examination Type
- Click 2019
- Select Your Desire Board
- Fill the form with your roll number
- Submit your Registration Number
- Adding answers.
- Click On Submit.
How to Get HSC Result 2020 By Mobile SMS
It is the common question for every student who doesn’t know about accurately use of the internet. Mobile is SMS is one the best system for rural students. Because By using SMS system every student can check their result with simple sending SMS to 16222. Forgetting your effect by mobile SMS what will need to do? Just Follow Instruction.
Go To Your Mobile Message Option and Click On Write Message and Type:
For General Students:
HSC <Space> First 3 Letters Of Board < Space> Your Exam Roll < Space> Year and Send To 16222.
Ex: HSC DHA 125124 2020 and Send To 16222
For Madrasha Students:
Ex: HSC MAD/Alim 123456 2020 and Send To 16222
For Vocational Or Technical Students:
Ex: HSC TEC 210210 2020 and Send to 16222
All Education Board Short Code
HSC Result All Education Board Bangladesh
The HSC results are very important for studying in a good place.
This is the first stairway on the way to life. If you can cross these stairs well then
the next life will be very happy.
After two years of study, everyone can cross this path. Every year, HSC exams start every year and last for one month. It is also known as higher Secondary exam oh intermediate exam. We pray so that everyone’s results are excellent. And this year the question was not leaked before the exam, so everyone’s result will be okay.
HSC Exam Result 2020 Grading System
HSC Result 2020 Dhaka Board
The board of Dhaka is the centre of all the boards in Bangladesh. The Dhaka Board controls all the boards and manages all the related tasks. Almost maximum numbers of Students attend HSC exam every year. From that point of view, Dhaka Board is a big board. Every Year pass rate of Dhaka Education Board is increasing. About 80% of students use the online method to get their result. Dhaka board publish their result through their official website and also education board 2 official sites.
Offical Website Of Dhaka Education Board is:
Rajshahi Education Board HSC Result 2020
Rajshahi education board is another most popular education board in Bangladesh. It is a signboard which leads most two highest examinations in Bangladesh. Higher Secondary exam result or HSC result will publish the same day like as whole education systems in Bangladesh. Previous year Rajshahi education board HSC result pass rate was the first position in the whole country. You can check your result in the same system as above. You can check your result in the same system as above. Rajshahi board has own website, but they only publish their result education board official sites.
Official Website Of Rajshahi Education Board:
Chittagong Board HSC result 2020
Chittagong Board is one of the most exceptional boards in Bangladesh. The Chittagong Board is the main port city board of Bangladesh. Every year many students attend HSC exam in this education board. Many students in Chittagong built their career by participating in both HSC and SSC exam. The Result of HSC in Chittagong Board also publishes 19th July with all education Board in Bangladesh. Chittagong Education Board issues their HSC result through the official website and even education board result sites.
The Offical Website Of Chittagong Education Board:
HSC Result Comilla Board 2020
Comilla board is also a significant board in Bangladesh. The result of Comilla board HSC is very much essential for all students under Chittagong board Students. Comilla students easily can check their result by Comilla board website without any server error. They also can check education board sites. Students can collect their result within publishing result of HSC by using Comilla Board Sites.
The Official Website Of Comilla Education Board:
Jessore Board HSC Result 2020
The Jessore Board another public education board in our country. It contains Higher Secondary exam(HSC), Secondary Exam(SSC) and Junior School Certificate Exam. The examinee can collect their result both online and SMS methods. Easily A students of Jessore Board Can check their result by simply sending an SMS to 16222 and simple internet user can collect result by Chittagong official website and HSC sites.
Website Of Jessore Board:
Sylhet Education Board HSC Result 2020
Sylhet education board another most beautiful board in Bangladesh both HSC and SSC Sectors. It’s called the number of 6 education board in the whole country in Bangladesh. The Number oh HSC examinee decrease from the last year of 2020. So It is a problem for Sylhet Students. For removing this problem, students need to study thoroughly. Candidates of HSC in Sylhet board can check their result both SMS and Online method. It also has an official website to check HSC result where students will get their result with full subject wise marks.
The Result link of Sylhet Board:
SSC Result 2020 Barisal Education Board
The Barisal education board is the most northeast education board in Bangladesh. It is very far from Dhaka. Barisal Has own education board for their HSC and SSC level and also JSC students. Candidate of any exam under Barisal education board directly can check their result with full marks by visiting Barisal board website. They also test their result through SMS system.
Official Website Of Barisal Education Board:
Dinajpur Education Board HSC Result 2020
Dinajpur Board is lastest Education Board situated in the south of Bangladesh. It is working for Intermediate and SSC students. A huge number of students participate every year in the HSC exam and its a great pride for Dinajpur Board People. Students of Dinajpur Board can easily get their result by Sending SMS to 16222 or Education Board Official website. Dinajpur Board also has a site for its students where they get many information and notice.
The Official Website Of Dinajpur Board:
Thanks for reading This whole post. Hope your result will be excellent. We wish you all the best in your result.
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