Welcome to HSC BM Exam Routine 2020 | Technical Board Bangladesh. HSC BM Exam routine 2020 for all education boards will publish very soon. The HSC BM Result 2020 will be available Education board’s official site and also our website. The Vocational examinee is now searching for HSC BM exam routine 2020 for their board. We are providing you with the exact information about the HSC BM exam routine 2020. This routine only for the students who completed JSC(Junior School Certificate) and SSC(Secondary School Certificate) under the Technical Board.
HSC BM Exam 2020 will start from April 2020 According to the previous year data. When the routine is published on the Education Board of Technical, we will post the method here as well as Alim, and HSC exam routine 2020 will release the same day of HSC BM examination routine 2020. According to the previous year, both exams (HSC & Alim and BM) will Start on the same day of April. A candidate needs to know about his exam routine to make proper preparation in each of his subjects. We will now know about the HSC BM examination routine, the development of the exam and the HSC examination form fill up 2019.
HSC BM Exam Routine 2020 Bangladesh
HSC BM exam will start from March 2020. Generally, after the end of the SSC(Vocational) examination, HSC BM examinations begin every year. This year the SSC(VOC) examination will start in February so that the HSC BM examination will begin in April. Now the candidates will have to wait for the exact date and time of the test. After publishing routine of 2020, we will post here. HSC(Vocational) candidates can download HSC BM routine 2020 as a PDF or image from our site.
- HSC BM exam start: 1st April 2020
- End:30th April 2020
Examinations will be launched simultaneously on technical boards in Bangladesh. Here Check HSC Exam Routine 2020.
HSC BM Exam Routine 2020
HSC BM exam will start the first week of April and the routine will be available on our site. Now check the full routine in image formate here.

Download HSC BM Exam Routine PDF
HSC BM Result 2020
HSC BM Result 2020 Will Publish 30 December 2020. All education board HSC Result Including BM will publish the Same day in 2020.
How To Check Your HSC BM Result 2020? This the question for HSC BM students:
Let’s Check out :

- First Go: www.educationboardresults.gov.bd/
- Select HSC(BM) From Examination Type
- Year: 2020
- Board: Technical
- Roll: Your Examination Roll
- Registration: You Registration Number
- Calculate the Sum and put into the Gap
- Click on Submit TO Get Result
HSC BM Result 2020 Auto pass Online
HSC BM Exam Result 2020
The HSC BM exam result 2020 for Auto Pass will publish within 2 or 3 months after finishing the exam. SO students of Bangladesh open university will need to wait for it. Keep in touch with us we will inform you of the exam date of HSC BM result 2020 for all students of Higher Secondary Certificate of Business Management. HSC is one of the most important examinations of student life. The complicated life will start after the HSC exam.
In 2019 HSC exam result published in July. So we can’t make an idea that this year the result will be published date because of Corona Virus. The number of HSC BM candidates is increasing day by day. The number of candidates has improved this year compared to last year. The Bangladesh open universityHigher Secondary Certificate of Business Management Hsc result 2020 will publish within august on the education board’s official website.
HSC BM Marks Distribution: HSC BM marks distribution is the same as HSC. You can check the HSC routine to know about BOU HSC marks distribution.
HSC BM Result 2021
The Higher Secondary School Certificate HSC BM Result 2021 will be published in the last week of January. The Technical Board of Bangladesh fixed the date of posting HSC BM Result 2021 for regular and irregular students. You will be surprised by your result because HSC BM 2021 will be auto passed the system. Covid-19 pandemic created this situation for all level students. More than 1lakh+ students are eagerly waiting for their HSC BM Result 2021. You can get all the information from this page. We will be happy and delighted to provide your result quickly for your HSC BM section.
HSC BM Result 2021 will be available on the two ways in Bangladesh. One you can get online and another you will get HSC BM Result through SMS method. We provide all the process above to checking your result. The government also started a pre-registration system that can you result so much quicker.
Special instructions For HSC BM exam 2020
- Candidates will have to enter the center 30 minutes before the start of the examination.
- If the general leave is declared for any reason on the day of the examination, then the test of that day will be postponed and the following timetable According to the analysis will hold.
- Candidate should write the correct written code of the written code in his answer papers, his Roll of registration and registration number, subject code, etc. To be filled. Under no circumstances can the writing or answer sheet be folded in the margins. The testicles described are correctly filled in the circles Ensure that the room inspector has to be signed and confirmed.
- Candidates can use a standard scientific calculator in the exam, but can not use any programming calculator.
- The candidates can’t use the mobile phone in the exam hall.
HSC BM form fill up 2020
Details about HSC BM form Fill Up 2020.
- Form Fill Up: 13/01/2020-21/01/2020
- Twelve Class Total Fees: 1470/-
- Eleven Class Total Fess: 1320/-