Are you searching for Honours 3rd Year Result 2023 Session(2018-19)? Here you will get honours third year result 2023. We will provide you with the exact information about all types of results about the national university result. The examination of honours 3rd year finished on 31st May 2023. It started on 3rd May 2023. Honours 3rd year result 2023 published in October 2023. BS.c students will get their results after finishing the Practical Exam.
This year many students participated in the honours 3rd-year examination. This result is only for the Session 2018-19 regular students, 2017-18 improvement result and also irregular students. It’s the third step of honours 3rd year students life. So every student needs to be very good in the first year, second year and third year result. You have to prepare yourself to tackle this world.
Honours 3rd Year Result 2023
The Honours 3rd year result 2023 is only for active Session 2018-19, inactive Session 2017-18 and 2016-17. National University is now one of the biggest platforms for students who want to complete graduation without a public university. Students have a common question after finishing the exam when the result will be published. They are searching for it and asked many people to get some information about honours results.
Our website educationbd will give you the exact date of honours 3rd year result and also provide your results if you’re unable to get the result by the NU website then contact us.
We know to make a better career education is a must. Honours 3rd year result including all department of national Unversity will publish soon.
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When Honours 3rd Year Result 2023 will publish?
Recently honours exam finished for the Session 2018-19 students. According to honours resulting system for the national university, the result will be published after 60 days of completing the examination. So we quickly said that the result would be issued in the last week of September or the first week of October. Therefore I suggest all of the students be patient and study hard for 3rd year results. More than 3 lakh students appeared Honours 3rd year examination 2023.
Guardians of students can check results easily after publication. At present Every student is eagerly waiting for their expected result in honours sectors. We know Honours result is very much crucial for graduation. If students get the maximum number of GPAs in the first three years of honours, Then their average CGPA will be very much good after 4th year result. So you have to very much care about your study and honesty.

Nu Honours 3rd Year Result Online
A 3rd-year student can quickly check their results online. Our website educationbd will help you to get your results much quickly and easily. The National Unversity website is a very slow and weak website. So the testers get many troubles to get results. Our website will show you all the ways so that you can get your results soon. The thoughts of the result are big thinking.
The National Unversity (Nu) has two different websites to get honours and other results under the nu exam. The official website of nu is You will get your results from this website by doing some simple steps. Follow the steps below to get your results comfortably.

First Go To
- Submit Roll/Registration of Honours
- Put the year 2021 on your result.
- Click Search Result
Above the systems, you will get your result after publishing.
National University Honours 3rd Year Result 2023

Now I am talking about another official website of nu, Which is very fast from other sites. This site will give you results without any captcha problems. Just directly submit your roll or registration number and you will get your result.
Follow the steps:
- First Go To
- Select honours the 3rd year.
- Exam Year: 2021
- Fill the form with your Roll/Registration
- Click Search Result.
Honours 3rd Year Exam Result 2023- SMS Method:
SMS is the most simple and accessible method to get results. A regular student will collect his/her achievement by sending only one SMS to 16222.
Check Honours 3rd Year Result 2023 by SMS:
nu<space> H3 <space> Roll <space> and Send to 16222
Example: nu H3 123454 and send to 16222
Honours 3rd Year Improvement Result 2023
Honours 3rd year improvement result will also be published the same day and at the same time. You will need not go anywhere to collect your improvement result. Just follow the above steps apparently and you will get your desired result. The students who want to develop their results, Then they attend the improvement exam.
Honours 3rd year improve result online and SMS method: Check your improvement result with both websites of National University.
Honours 3rd Year Improvement Result SMS Method: NU<Space>H3<Space> Roll and Send to 16222
Honours 3rd Year Rescrutiny system & Result 2023
Students who are not satisfied with their results will apply to challenge their exam papers. The rescrutiny system will be published here after the conclusion. You will get your outcome from our website. Simply rescrutiny results will be proclaimed within one month after releasing the main result.
Rescrutiny fees for every subject are 800Tk
To apply for Rescrutiny, You must fill up a form online and Pay 800tk By Sonali Bank.
Honours 3rd Year Result 2023 Session(2018-19):
Thanks for reading this whole article. We hope your result will be outstanding So that your family will be delighted. Keep in touch with Education bd and we will give you the right information.
For any information, you want to know comment below we will provide you as soon as possible.