Are you searching for Ebtedayee result 2019 for the PSC Madrasah Education Board Bangladesh? Then you are in the right place. We are now providing the Ebtedayee result 2019. After following the full post, you will get the exact information on how to get your Ebtedayee result so much quicker. We ensure you that we will be giving you your Ebtedayee result 2019 for the Madrasah board with the easiest and fastest way. The Ebtedayee result 2019 for the Madrasah board including all board will publish 31st December 2019.
Our Education Prime minister Dipu Moni will hand over Ebtedayee’s result including PSC to prime minister Sheikh Hasina at 10 is on 31st December 2019. At 12 pm on 31st December 2019, Ebtedayee will available online and Educationbd.
Ebtedayee Result 2019
Madrasah board is another most significant board in Bangladesh. Every year a lot of students participate Ebtedayee exam from the Madrasah board. The result of Ebtedayee is also good in the Madrasah board. On December 31, the results of the primary and Ebtedayee closing examination will be published simultaneously across the country in Bangladesh.
PSC Result 2019 Madrasah Board online
The online method is the best option to get your Ebtedayee result 2019 for the Madrasah education board. A student can easily check his result through the primary education board site or Our website EducationBD. To get You Ebtedayee result by primary education board site(DPE) you have to follow the below information. let’s check this full details about Ebtedayee Result.

Ebtedayee result 2019
- Click here To Go
- Select 2019 from Year
- then select your Division.
- Select your District
- Select your Thana
- Put your roll
- Click Submit to get your result
How to get your result from our website? To get your Ebtedayee result form EducationBD you need only your roll no. Just fill the blank with your Ebtedayee roll and Click on Get result. After that, You will get your result with a full marksheet.
Must Check PSC exam result All board.
2nd Method:

PSC Result 2019 Madrasah Board online
From this method, you will get your Ebtedayee result by providing your students ID.
- First Go To
- Provide your students ID
- Click On Submit to Get your Result
Check Result Online
Search Again
I think this is the easiest way for you to get your Ebtedayee result For the Madrasah board online.
Ebtedayee Result 2019 SMS Format
Students of PSC in the Madrasah board can also check their results by sending SMS to 16222. The SMS method is the easiest way to get examinee results Because many students of Ebtedayee are living in Village and there is not any internet connection to get their results. So it is the best option to get Ebtedayee to result for rural students.
SMS Format:
EBT<Space>Thana/Upazila Code<Space>Roll<Space>Year and Send 16222
Example: EBT 5900 125412 2019 send to 16222
Ebtedayee Scholarship Result 2020
Ebtedayee scholarship result 2020 for Madrasah education board will publish within 3 months. Scholarship results will depend on students performed in the exam hall. It is also known as Britti. This is the most popular word for students who are eligible for the scholarship. After the original result, it will be understood that any vigilant scholarship will be selected.
- General Scholarship
- talent pool scholarship
The students are very exceptional and will get the highest marks in the Ebtedayee result then those students will get Talent pool scholarship. It will justify my student’s marks in their mark sheet. After getting Scholarship students will get a few amounts of money every six months. Every year from Madrasah board many students got the scholarship in Ebtedayee sectors. This year also result will be very good.
Thanks for visiting our website. Hope your result will be very good. Any query comment below.