Are you looking for Dhaka to Joydebpur Train Schedule as well as ticket prices in Bangladesh? Then you are in the right place to get a train schedule for this route. Dhaka to Joydeppur Train route is the most precious and busiest train route in Bangladesh. The total distance of this routes is 34KM. It is very easy to travel from Dhaka to Joydebpur by train. Most of the passengers and general people are now using a train to visit Joydebpur from Dhaka. If you want to go From Dhaka to Joydebpur, then Train is the best suggestion for you. The Schedule For Dhaka to Joydebpur is made according to Bangladesh Railway.
After following this post, you will get complete information about Dhaka To Joydebpur Train schedule as well as ticket price.
Dhaka to Joydebpur Trains List
There are some local trains available on Dhaka to the Joydebpur route. Besides these two major and important train travel on this route regularly. The trains are regular travel Dhaka to Joydebpur rail route. The trains are:
- Turag Express
- Joydebpur Commuter
There are some intercity trains which are travel regularly. If you want to go then you can use this train service. The intercity trains for Dhaka to Joydebpur train route are:
- Dhomkato Express
- Jumona Express
- Sundarban Express
- Nilshagar Express
- Ekota Express
- SilkCity Express
- Chitra Express
- Drutajan Express
- Lalmoni Express
- Padma Express
- Hawr Express
- Sirajgonj Express
If you want to Go From Dhaka To Joydebpur, then these trains are only available for you. These express and intercity trains are one of the best trains on this route.
Dhaka to Joydebpur Train Schedule
The schedule for Dhaka to Joydebpur is given below with a complete table. Almost every day the train is available on this route. So let’s check out the full schedule.
There are two types of train travel and available on this route. To make your journey more comfortable you have to know the exact train schedule for Dhaka to Joydebpur route. The two types of trains are:
- Intercity Train
- Mail Train
Intercity Trains are being used to travel so much quickly and safely. If we compare between mail train and intercity train then mail train is not good as intercity train. let’s check out below the Dhaka to Joydebpur Train Schedule 2020 for Mail train and Intercity Train.
Dhaka to Joydebpur Intercity Train Schedule
Dhaka to Joydebpur mail train Schedule 2020
Since the distance of Dhaka to Joydebpur is not so far. It is the only 34KM. So you can also use the Mail train for traveling. Because these trains are always available. About 9 mail trains are traveling regularly on this route. Let’s check out the Dhaka to Joydebpur Mail train schedule.
Joydebpur To Dhaka Train Schedule
Many of us also search for Joydebpur to Dhaka Train Schedule. For your comfort, we make easier for you. Here the full schedule for Joydebpur to Dhaka Train Schedule. Check Below:
Turag Express

Dhaka to Joydebpur Train Schedule
Joydebpur Commuter

Dhaka to Joydebpur mail train Schedule 2020
Joydebpur Commuter Express is one of the best trains which travels almost every day from Dhaka to Joydebpur and Joydebpur To Dhaka except one day of a week. The middle station from Dhaka to Lalmonirhat in Joydebpur. The train started the journey from Dhaka at 10.45 and Reached Joydebpur at 12.00. The off-day of the Jodebpur Express train is Friday. The train number is 152.
Dhaka to Jodebpur Train Ticket Price
The total distance from Dhaka to Jodebpur is 34KM. According to the distance, Facilities Bangladesh Railway fixed ticket price for Dhaka to Jodebpur route. The Ticket price For Dhaka to Jodebpur and Jodebpur to Dhaka given below:
- General 2nd: 10Tk
- General Mail: 15Tk
- Computer: 20Tk
- Sulov: 35/-
- Suvon: 45TK
- Suvon Chair: 50TK
- 1st Class Chair Seat: 90Tk
- 1st birth: 110TK
- Snigdha: 115TK
- AC Seat: 127TK
- AC Birth: 150
All train price in Bangladesh is usually dependent on the accessibility of the train. Some of this ticket price can be lower or higher. We apologize for this. If you know the exact price, please comment below.
Dhaka To Joydebpur Ticket Booking
You can buy tickets in a different way of going from Dhaka to Joydebpur. Chose your option which method is best for you to buy the ticket. You can purchase a ticket online or directly go to the station. To collect your card before going to Dhaka to Joydebpur then travel.
We desire that your journey is always happy and safe. If any problem to collect your ticket or anything comment below, we will try to solve your problem.
Dhaka to Joydebpur Tran Video Review
Thanks, guys to visit our site for Dhaka to Joydebpur Train Schedule. Hope this schedule is helpful for you. We wish that your journey will always safe and sound. Best of luck and happy traveling.