Welcome to Bangladesh Army Job Circular 2020. Bangladesh Army Publishes a Job circular for recruiting people who are the citizen of our country. The job title is Sainik(Women). Every district candidates can apply for this job. Bangladesh Army Job Circular 2020 for recruiting Warrant officer published job circular a few days ago. It is a Government Job. Candidates can apply for this post easily from our site. If you are professional and motivated to build a great career in the Bangladesh Army, then this is the best job for you.
Bangladesh Army Job Circular 2020
- Published on: September 2020
- Vacancy: Undefined
- Job Type: Government Job
- Employment Status: Full-time
- Experience: No
- Gender: Both
- Age: Age 20 to 28 years
- Job Location: Anywhere in Bangladesh
- Apply Start: 27th September 2020
- Application Deadline: 25th October 2020
Bangladesh Army will appoint human resources for 1 great post. The post is:
- Warrant Officer
The Army of Bangladesh will provide you with a good salary.
Check NTRCA Written Result.
Education Qualification:
- Honours Pass Required
Physical ability:
- Height: 1.68 Meter(5 Feet 6 inches)
- Weight: 49 KG
- Book: 30 inches (Normal), 32 inches (Inflated)
Bangladesh Army Job Circular 2020 Notice

Bangladesh Army Job Circular 2020
2nd SMS: SAINIK<Space>YES<Space>PIN NUMBER<Space>Contact Mobile Number and Send To 16222
BNCC Candidates
1st SMS: SAINIK<Space>1st Three Letters of SSC Board<Space> Roll<Space> Passing Year<Space> District Code<Space>BNCC
2nd SMS: SAINIK<Space>YES<Space>PIN NUMBER<Space>Contact Mobile Number and Send To 16222
Child Of Army
1st SMS: SAINIK<Space>1st Three Letters of SSC Board<Space> Roll<Space> Passing Year<Space> District Code<Space>SS
2nd SMS: SAINIK<Space>YES<Space>PIN NUMBER<Space>Contact Mobile Number and Send To 16222
Army Job Apply Online
- First Go to Army.teletalk.com.bd/apply.php
- Select Your Desired Post.
- Fill the full form giving your information.
- Upload Your photo(300*300 Pixel) and signature(300*80).
- then click on Submit
Bangladesh Army Job Apply Online
User ID will be given after applying for your desired post.
Additional Requirements:
The additional Requirements will need when you attend for exam.
- Online Application Copy
- Passport Size Image(8 copy) Signed First class officer.
- Academic Marksheet(Signed By First Class Officer)
- National ID card
- Admit Card.
Application Fees: After application, the application fee will be paid through Teletalk SIM. The application fees for every post are given below:
- Junior Commissioned Officer: 500 TK
See SMS Method To Complete Payment
1st SMS: Go to your Mobile Message Option and Type- JCO<space>USER ID & Send to 16222
Example: JCO MEKMSN and Send to 16222
Reply: Congrats applicants addressing Name allotting a personal identification number (PIN)
informing the amount of fee to deposit.
2nd SMS: JCO YES PIN & Send to 16222
Example: JCO YES 33489234 Send to 16222
Reply: Confirms applicant of fee submission and allot a USER ID & PASSWORD unique to every applicant.
Bangladesh Army Job Admit Card
By logging with an individual’s unique USER ID & PASSWORD Applicants can download. Admit Card for the preliminary examination.
Check Boiler Job Circular