17th NTRCA Preliminary Result 2021: The 17th NTRCA Preliminary Result 2021 will publish on the first week of October 2021. 17th NTRCA preliminary exam finished 30th August 2021. This year more than 10 lakh candidates participated NTRCA initial exam. The Examination was held in different reputed districts of Bangladesh. The participants are now eagerly waiting for their NTRCA Preliminary MCQ Result. After publishing the result, you can collect it from our site. We will provide your result with three different steps: School-2, School Section, as well as the College Section.
When 17th NTRCA Preliminary Result 2020 Will Publish?
Usually, NTRCA publishes its result within one after finishing the main exam. So this year Non-Government Teachers Registration and Certification Authority will publish the 17th NTRCA preliminary result on 30 September or the first week of October 2021. Therefore I suggest all of the candidates be patient and study hard for the job. More than 11,76,000 lakh students appeared MCQ Exam of the NTRCA.

17th NTRCA Preliminary Result date
Exam Statistics:
- Circular Published Date: 23rd May 2020
- Exam Date: 30th August 2021
- Result: 30th September 2021
- Job Type: Government Job
- Total Candidates: 11,76,000
- Website: NTRCA.GOV.BD
Candidates of NTRCA can check the 17th NTRCA Preliminary Result 2021 quickly after publishing. At present, Every scholar is eagerly waiting for their expected result in the Preliminary sectors. We know 17th NTRCA MCQ result is very much crucial for the next written exam.
17th NTRCA MCQ Result 2021
Candidates can quickly check their result through online method. We will help you to get your result so much quickly and easily. The NTRCA website is a prolonged and week when publishes any result. So the examinee gets many troubles to reach their final year results. Our website will show you all the possible ways so that you can get your job results soon. The thoughts of the result are essential thinking.
Candidates are now very anxiously waiting for their desired Preli result. Their future career will depend on it. If they get a chance to pass the job exam, then they will attend the VIVA exam according to the date of NTRCA.
17th NTRCA Result 2021- Ntrca.Teletalk.Com.Bd
After all the procedures, the NTRCA MCQ result will publish the first week of October 2021. Now the main question is coming to all the candidate’s minds on how to check their result online. Don’t worry about checking online your result.
The Authority of Non-Government Teachers Registration and Certification(NTRCA) has two different ways to get NTRCA Preli results. The official result website of NTRCA is http://ntrca.teletalk.com.bd. You will get your preliminary result from this website by following some simple steps. Follow the steps below to get your result quickly.

Download NTRCA Preliminary Result 2021
- At fast visit link- http://ntrca.teletalk.com.bd/result/
- Now type your Roll
- Select 17th Exam(Preliminary)
- Hit submit button
- Your result will appear on another page
I think from this post you got clear instructions on how to download the 17th NTRCA Preliminary MCQ Exam Result.2021.
Check Online-অনলাইন এ দেখুন এখানে
17th NTRCA School Level Result 2021
Candidates can check their School Level result, by the way, we provided you above. The result will publish the same day as the total result of NTRCA. You can quickly check that from our method that you have seen a few seconds ago.
17th NTRCA School Level-2 Result 2021
School-level-2 is the lowest section of NTRCA. The 17th NTRCA School Level two result will publish in October 2021. From the above method, you can check your result.
17th NTRCA College Level Result 2021
The college level is the highest position of NTRCA. If you get the job then you will get the opportunity to become a teacher of all colleges over Bangladesh. The 17th NTRCA college level Result 2021 will publish the same day as the final result.
17th NTRCA School Level Syllabus 2021
The 17th NTRCA School level on our site. You can download the Preliminary and written Syllabus from our website. It is quite easy to download all the syllabus of NTRCA. If you pass the NTRCA Preliminary Exam 2021 then you have to know about the written syllabus. Without prepared yourself, you can’t attend the exam center. A job will make your career shine.

17th NTRCA School Level Syllabus 2021
[su_button url=”https://drive.google.com/open?id=17Zx4PO-fJHyQpbA0krL2b84ySbpzBlAE” target=”blank” background=”#1db816″ color=”#ffffff” size=”8″ wide=”yes” center=”yes” text_shadow=”0px 0px 0px #000000″]Download 17th NTRCA School Level Syllabus 2021[/su_button]
Download 17th NTRCA School Level Written Exam Syllabus
17th NTRCA College Level Syllabus 2021
The 17th NTRCA School College on our site. You can download the Preliminary and written College level Syllabus from our website. It is quite easy to download all the syllabus of NTRCA. If you pass the NTRCA Preliminary College Exam 2017 then you have to know about the written syllabus. Without prepared yourself, you can’t attend the exam center. A job will make your career shine.

17th NTRCA College Level Syllabus 2021
[su_button url=”https://drive.google.com/open?id=1uxqabwV2O3q6tCybnmUgbsmuORYgKxEH” target=”blank” background=”#1db816″ color=”#ffffff” size=”8″ wide=”yes” center=”yes” text_shadow=”0px 0px 0px #000000″]Download 17th NTRCA School Level Syllabus 2021[/su_button]
Download 17th NTRCA College Level Written Exam Syllabus
17th NTRCA School Level 2 Syllabus 2019
The 16th NTRCA School Level 2 on our site. You can download Preliminary and written NTRCA School Level 2 Syllabus from our website. It is quite easy to download all the syllabus of NTRCA. If you pass the NTRCA Preliminary NTRCA School Level Exam 2021 then you have to know about the written syllabus.

17th NTRCA School Level 2 Syllabus 2021
[su_button url=”https://drive.google.com/open?id=1u4Jtr8-1WO67ZZ_mQ5NkhdJvMssvudlh” target=”blank” background=”#1db816″ color=”#ffffff” size=”8″ wide=”yes” center=”yes” text_shadow=”0px 0px 0px #000000″]Download 17th NTRCA School Level Syllabus 2021[/su_button]
Download 17th NTRCA College Level Written Exam Syllabus
If you have any problem to collect your result or about the syllabus of all the level, then comment here or message on us Facebook. Join our Facebook Group to get the latest to update quickly.
Facebook Group Link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/educationbd2/
We wish you the best of luck with your result and best career. Thanks for visiting our site.